Healthy Eating

Jan 16, 2005

Acid Indigestion or Alkalize & Energize

Doctors have known for many decades that acidic blood is due to an imbalance brought on by the foods we eat. Recent discoveries reveal that an acid imbalance can cause many of the major diseases attacking our population.

ACID OVERLOAD is so prevalent that the number one over the counter drug is "TUMS". Have you ever noticed the acid you get after eating certain foods? Do fried foods, meats, eggs, bread, cheese, sugar, rice, milk, crackers, coffee, chocolate and cereals affect your stomach causing acid indigestion? That’s because all these are acid in nature. We crave foods that are acid-forming and over-acidification of body fluids and tissues is linked to every known disease, including chronic fatigue syndrome. The digestive disorders caused by eating in fat-food-chains is now a part of everyday life for millions of Americans. Pizza, french fries, fish fry, greasy hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage, cheese dips and fried chicken are only a few food choices that are at the root of the problem.

Carbohydrates exposed to high heat produce a carcinogen which can lead to cancer. Restaurant food could be nutritious, but frying is faster and more profitable in terms of sales because it is quick and you don’t complain or ask for changes.

Kitchens are becoming obsolete as more families choose to eat out or order food delivered to their homes. People are in a hurry and trust that the FDA is looking out for them and the food they are eating is healthy and inspected for contaminants. Their doctors have quick solutions to the problem, prescribing brand names such as Prilosec®, Prevacid® and Nexium® to alleviate heartburn and esophageal irritation. These drugs are classified as "proton-pump inhibitors. While there is nothing wrong with the short-term use of these acid-blocking drugs, long-term stomach acid deficiency results in overproduction of a hormone called gastrin.

GASTRIN IS THE AGENT THAT SIGNALS THE STOMACH TO PRODUCE MORE ACID. Blocking the acid production causes the body to generate too much gastrin in a futile attempt to induce acid production. The problem is that there are gastrin receptors on the membranes of many esophageal, pancreatic, and gastric cancer cells. Large amounts of gastrin can bind to these receptor sites to induce the cells to hyper proliferate. This means that long-term proton pump inhibiting therapy (ACID BLOCKERS) could increase your risk of these lethal cancers.

What’s the opposite of acidic food? Alkaline, which is found in disease -free blood. What’s alkaline? Vegetables, fruits, a few grains and nuts. What’s the science behind ACID vs ALKALINE? The relationship between acid and alkaline is scientifically quantified on a scale of 1 to 14 known as pH. On that scale, 7 is neutral. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline.

MOST OF US EAT 80% ACID FOODS AND 20% ALKALINE FOODS: The opposite ratio is the one that will guide you to disease-free vibrant health — for life! When you break the acid overload cycle, you flush out the acids through your kidneys. And when you flush acids, you also minimize the over acidity that’s been keeping your pounds on or keeping you sick. Putting alkalinity back into your body helps neutralize the daily acid production and helps your body to feel better, recover quicker and reduce food cravings. Your body begins to function in good health and becomes energized. A high alkaline balance is your body’s first line of defense against fatigue, illness and disease. Those suffering from gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) might want to have their blood tested to determine the pH and consider a change in their eating habits before they decide to become addicted to another drug with possible dangerous consequences.


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