Healthy Eating

Jun 5, 2005

Burdock's Healing Potential

Burdock Also Known As Beggar’s-Buttons
Burdock was the wonderful gift God gave to the poor who couldn’t afford to buy produce at the market. As a young man, many of my Sicilian relatives treasured the secret location of this weedy appearing plant. In the fields, they could pick as much as they wanted, without cost and usually something not everyone knew about. Burdock is a nutritious, deliciously edible plant—and it boasts a convincing, 3,000 year-old reputation for purifying the blood and boosting immunity.
HEALING POTENTIAL: Among its active ingredients, burdock root contains insulin, an immune-system booster with anti-diabetic properties. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, burdock is called niu bang. Chinese researchers report it to be effective against inflammation, tumors and bacterial and fungal infections.
Burdock’s diuretic and mild laxative properties may help to remove toxins from the system. Reputable herbal experts say that skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, and others can all be treated effectively with burdock.
USING BURDOCK: Burdock is used in the form of a tea or tincture, both made from dried burdock root, or taken in capsules. The Japanese call the root gobo and cook with it frequently, its flavor fuses those of celery and potato. Burdock’s tender leaves can be served raw, steamed, or sauteed. Peel the tender stalks and eat them raw or cook them like asparagus.
SAFETY: Burdock is generally regarded as safe.
PURCHASING: Dried burdock root, seeds, tincture, tea, and capsules are available at health food stores or through the mail order.
REMEDIES: To make an anti-acne tea: Steep 1 teaspoon burdock in a cup of boiling water. Drink 1 to 3 cups a day for 1 to 2 weeks before your period, if your acne is related to you menstrual cycle. Continue for a period of 3 months to 1 year, until your symptoms subside.
Try a tincture for acne. Take a total of 1 teaspoon of tincture diluted in 8 ounces of water three times a day, and be patient. "It takes a minimum of 2 weeks for the herb to have any effect, and for most long-standing problems, it may take three months to a year to make a permanent improvement so that you can stop taking the herb without the symptoms returning. This is especially true if you’re trying to balance hormone problems or improve liver function.
Try burdock with dandelion for arthritis. "Herbalists know that if you stimulate liver function and improve the flow of bile, it helps to improve arthritis," says Douglas Schar. "Old medical books say arthritis is caused by improper elimination of waste. While we don’t know whether that’s true scientifically, we do know that people feel that their arthritis improves when they use herbs such as dandelion and burdock, which stimulate liver and kidney function."
For tea, boil 1 teaspoon each of dried dandelion root and dried burdock roots in 3 cups of water for 5 minutes, then sip it throughout the day. Continue until you notice an improvement.
Here's the Recipe from Caroline Delmonte on BURDOCK (Cardoon):
Boil stalks in salted water. Combine in casserole with bread crumbs, grated cheese - drizzle with olive oil - cover with small can of tomato sauce and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for approximately 45 minutes. May be combined with Italian Sausage.
Thanks Caroline


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