Healthy Eating

Feb 5, 2006

Colon Cleansing & Fasting

Retained debris in the colon leads to absorption of toxins
, resulting in systemic intoxication (poisoning). Symptoms of this condition can include mental confusion, depression, irritability, fatigue, gastrointestinal irregularities, and even allergic reactions such as hives, sneezing and coughing. Many nutritionists and researchers believe that this toxicity can eventually lead to more serious disorders. Colon cleansing can rid the colon of debris, and help prevent and treat a variety of health problems.
The best means of removing toxins and wastes from the body is a "fast." Remember we mentioned that most religions resort to a fast at least once a year and some more often. Well, there may be a connection that represents a connection between cleansing the "soul" and cleansing the colon. Fasting is the first step in any colon cleansing program. In addition to following a fast, use a wheat grass, fresh lemon juice, garlic or coffee enema. If bowel problems or related symptoms are chronic, repeat this program once monthly.
Eat only raw foods for two weeks, and then maintain a diet of 50 percent raw foods, including plenty of raw vegetables and non-citrus fruits such as apples, bananas, berries, grapes and pears.
Drink at least eight ounces of water each day, even if you are not thirsty. Insufficient liquid intake promotes hard stools, which can stay in the colon for weeks or months, causing symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and depression, and resulting in a toxic bloodstream.
Avoid saturated fats, sugar, and highly processed foods. Avoid oils and fried foods until the colon returns to normal and the stools are normal (usually longer and smaller in diameter). Use olive oil, canola oil, or essential fatty acids sparingly during this cleansing period. Dairy products should be avoided because they create excess mucus in the colon. This diet helps to maintain a clean colon.
If you have a blood sugar problem, avoid sweet fruits.
Upon rising and at bedtime, drink the juice of a fresh lemon squeezed into a cup of warm water to cleanse the bloodstream and detoxify and neutralize the system.
Each morning take a brisk walk and drink fresh carrot and apple juice, "green drinks," or fresh pineapple and papaya juice.
Make a colon cleansing drink by mixing 1 tablespoon of bentonite with 1 teaspoon of psyllium seed, ½ cup of aloe vera juice, and ½ cup of stream-distilled water. Drink this mixture once daily until the colon is clean and not foul smelling.
Use a fiber supplement such as psyllium seed on a daily basis. Mix the supplement with water or juice, and drink it immediately, as the mixture thickens quickly. Avoid fiber supplements in capsule and pill form.
Some interesting related information:
Aloe-vera and peppermint help to restore the acid/alkaline balance of the colon and promote healing.
Barberry, butternut bark, flaxseed, red raspberry, rhubarb and senna can be used to flush the colon and release waste. Caution: Do not use barberry during pregnancy.
Burdock root, milk thistle, and red clover cleanse the blood and support the liver.
Fennel restores the acid/alkaline balance of the colon, promotes healing, flushes the colon, and releases waste.
Garlic eliminates certain parasites.
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) - Aids the body in expelling excess fluid and mucus. Soothes and heals skin, mucous membranes, and other tissues, externally and internally. Good for bladder infection, digestive upsets, fluid retention, headache, intestinal disorders, kidney problems, sinusitis, and sore throat. Helps to restore the acid/alkaline balance of the colon, promotes healing, and loosens and flushes mucus from the intestines.
The above is information provided by America’s #1 Guide to Natural Health, Prescription for NUTRITIONAL HEALING (Third Edition) by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC and James F. Balch, M.D.
I personally have not used the above method of colon cleansing. However, I belief in the idea of "fasting" drinking a full glass of clear water, upon rising, and drinking water with fresh squeezed lemons as an accompaniment to lunch and dinner meals. Garlic, fiber, tea with fresh lemon, are a few of the recommendations I find especially helpful. Apples, oatmeal, carrots, and vegetable soups are amongst my favorites in helping the digestive system work at its optimum. Grazing, instead of large meals, maintains a high metabolism and a smaller stomach. Don’t pile on more food when you are already full. If you feel bloated, allow fluids to work their way down the digestive tract, before adding more food.
Beware of buffet dinners and try to eat a balanced meal without second helpings. Eat slowly, and chew your food thoroughly. I like the old fashioned version of a full course dinner, in this order: soup, salad, vegetable, entree’ and followed by fruit and tea. I always include fresh water with fresh-squeezed lemon.


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