Healthy Eating

Jan 26, 2005

Real Health Is Simply A Question of Keeping Your Cells Healthy

My health did not improve when the doctors said, "Trust me." My disease did not go away when the drug makers said, "Trust me." "Trust us," say the vitamin makers when they tell you that leafy greens are in their bottles of supplements.

My subsequent research led to a new theory of disease, based on the simple concept of cell-health. Anything toxic to the cell produced illness—inevitably. Every illness has this root cause. Anything supportive of the cell produced recovery—rapidly. All health has this root cause. And everything else is simply symptom-chasing.

No one ever told you about the strongest medicine you take—food! Food, I discovered is a pharmacy of such power and complexity, it can make drugs and supplements look crude!

From ginger to red grapes, onions to artichokes, apples to yogurt, once I had unlocked the medicine cabinet of pure food, I understood how cell-health could indeed be sustained—indefinitely. The cutting-edge of modern medicine was as old as chicken soup and green beans, calamita olives, barley and seaweed, strawberries, avocados, cantaloup, watermelon, roasted almonds, walnuts and peanuts, salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel.

Eating, it turns out, is one of the greatest drug experiments you can perform! This frontier is so important and still so little understood that I have made it my new mission in life. The good doctor said, "We don’t have to do studies, we know it works." When inches come off along with pounds and the blood test shows cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose in the healthy range - you’ve got to believe. When blood pressure returns to normal and flexibility begins to return, fungus toes heal and nails look healthy, skin is taut and aglow without wrinkles - you’ve got to believe.

I am so glad that it is eating that brings us back to good health. Mediterraneans love to eat and they love to eat food that consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, tomato sauce and fresh fish, fresh chicken and even dark red meat without all the fat. Wow, what more could you want from God? Like manna from heaven, the real truth is that the food that God produces, without the contamination of dangerous human additives, is the answer. Manmade pills are the problem. Your choice: the disease or the prescription drugs that exacerbate the problem. Manufacturers of supplements refuse to accept testing and research because of the contaminants they contain. Make Eating A Lifestyle Change!


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