Healthy Eating

Jun 27, 2005

Foods To Avoid

Eating foods and beverages that are high in sugar causes the release of excess insulin. Chronic insulin overload results in weight gain and the development of age-related diseases. Most people do not realize that many common foods (in addition to pure sugar) induce a dangerous insulin spike. When evaluating the glucose-insulin-elevating effects of foods, the two established measurements are the "glycemic index" and "glycemic load." Consumption of foods that are high in both of these measurements should be avoidede or reduced. Here are some examples of how different types of foods compare
High Glycemic Index + High Glycemic Load
Glycemic Index Glycemic Load*
Instant rice 91/24.8
Baked potato 85/20.3
Corn flakes 84/21.0
White bread 70/21.0
Rye bread 65/19.5
Banana 53/13.3
Spaghetti 41/16.4
Lower Glycemic Index + Lower Glycemic Load
Glycemic Index Glycemic Load*
Carrot 71/3.8
Apple 36/8.1
Lentils 29/5.7
Milk 27/3.2
Peanuts 14/0.7
Broccoli negligible/negligible
*Glycemic load calculate on differing quantities of each food group
This chart of high-glycemic foods offers guidance to dining out: avoid bread, ask for a double portion of vegetables in lieu of potato or rice, and refuse any kind of dessert offered. While these dietary changes can be difficult to implement, reducing the carbohydrate-craving effects of excess insulin can make this diet modification tolerable over the long term.
The use of new dietary supplement that reduces the amount of glucose and insulin in the blood after ingesting high-glycemic foods can help curb cravings for foods that are high in carbohydrates.


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