Healthy Eating

Nov 7, 2005

PH Balance For A Long, Healthy Life

Well, we know the numbers on cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides, BMI, weight and height, but what do we know about the numbers on balancing body chemistry?
God endowed us with balanced body chemistry, which if properly maintained provides us with a long, healthy life.
Unfortunately, doctors pay little or no attention to balancing body chemistry. If they did, it would unbalance their pocketbooks, because healthy people don’t spend much time in the waiting room, nor do they expect any human to solve all their problems in 15 minutes. The healthier we are, the longer we live, and the longer we stay in an acidic state, the more time we’ll spend trying to deal with serious health issues.
A healthy person is in acid/alkaline pH balance, slightly in favor of alkalinity.
If we are too acidic, we are unhealthy. And if we get totally acidic, we are dead and it's that simple! Dr. George W. Crile, a great surgeon, said, "There is no such thing as natural death. All deaths from so-called natural causes are merely the endpoint of progressive acid saturation."
Any form of poor health indicates a disturbed state of body chemistry balance — generally an acid state. In fact, over acidity is common to all health--robbing conditions. An infant is highly alkaline. An 80-year-old person is highly acidic. Death is 100% acidity.
What Are The Causes of Acidity?
Three big reasons: Stress, diet and dehydration. If you live and work in America, you’re overwhelmed with stress and stress is a BIG cause of increased acid production. As we age, we become more acid because we build up more acid waste. A poor diet is the principle cause. You’re probably eating 80% acid foods and only 20% alkaline foods, when just the opposite ratio is the one that will help you stay healthy.
Commercially processed foods are very acid and most people live on processed foods. Beef, pork, fish, turkey, chicken, pasta, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, cheese, bread, butter, cookies, crackers, eggs, rice and cereals…just to name a few…All are acid favorites! We need to seek out alkaline-forming foods, which are primarily fruits and vegetables. Our current diet craze is the perfect host environment for harmful pathogens to thrive.
How Can We Determine Our PH Balance?
The relationship between acid and alkaline is scientifically quantified on a scale of 0 to 14 known as PH. On this scale, 7 is neutral. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. The ideal ranges is between 7.35 and 7.45 with most of us falling in the acid range of 6.2 to 6.4.
Seven out of 10 people are chronically dehydrated—which means they suffer from dehydration fatigue, sluggish metabolism and an urge to eat all the time because the thirst mechanism is so weak that it’s often mistaken for hunger.
We age in direct proportion to how acid our diet is. The good news is that an acid body can be reversed. All one needs is a simple-do-it-yourself test and alkaline drinking water. Every man, woman and child should have an acid/alkaline balance of +/-7.4.
All drugs accumulate as acid waste in the body. Most people with high blood pressure are overly acid. But since the alkaline or higher PH blood contains excess oxygen, the heart doesn’t have to work as hard.
Soft drinks are the root cause for high acidity in our youngsters. Sugar grabs oxygen with the highest priority. The acid in soft drinks has an average PH of 2.5. That much acid will dissolve anything. Younger people are becoming highly acidic and are developing more and more adult health problems due in part to their high intake of soft drinks.
By drinking alkaline water, we restore oxygen, not in the form of O2, but in the form of OH, which is very stable because it’s mated with positively ionized alkaline minerals, which detoxify poisonous acid waste.
All foods are "burned" or digested in the body and leave behind an ash that can be neutral, acid or alkaline depending on the mineral composition of the food. When your body burns an alkaline ash, you develop a strong immune function. On the other hand, acid-ash foods are linked to many of today’s health complaints. In other words, a healthy body is always slightly alkaline. When you alkalize your body, you oxygenate, detoxify, and energize your cells.
We’re not talking about stomach acid here, but the fluids and tissues of the body that comprise over 70% of what you are! Proper stomach acid of 2 to 4 must be maintained to properly digest and assimilate food. Stomach hydrochloric acid goes down with age, so supplementation is called for.
Commercial advertising has built a very profitable industry promoting antacids that destroy normal and absolutely essential stomach acid. It’s the perfect crime, because when the body gives a signal of acid indigestion, it does not come from over-acidity but under acidity. That is why a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar usually resolves the acid indigestion almost immediately.
Our body produces organic acids of fermentation when stomach acids are low, causing undigested foods to rot in the stomach, which of course causes symptoms of acid indigestion. Antacids help deplete an already low stomach acid. The deception is temporary relief, but the poor customers never understand cause and effect.


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