Healthy Eating

Dec 19, 2005

Highest-fiber Diet Saw LDL (bad) Cholesterol Drop

When you think of fiber, bran flakes and bran muffins may come to mind. But there are other, more appealing sources out there to helop you get your dose of healthy-promoting fiber. Oatmeal, beans, carrots, grapefruit, oranges, apples and pears all contain fiber. But recent research shows that there's another fiber source that can offer some distinct heart-healthy benefits.
This study followed 25 people (18 women and 7 men) with mildly elevated cholesterol counts for 19 weeks. At the beginning of the study, researchers put the subjects on the diet that was moderately low in fat and cholesterol. Then their meals were supplemented with barley products containing low, medium, and high amounts of a fiber known as beta-glucan.
Those on the highest-fiber diet saw their LDL (bad) cholesterol drop by an amazing 17 percent. The most significant drop occurred after the fourth week, leading researchers to believe that it may take several weeks of supplementing with barley or other fiber-soluble foods to see a significant benefit.
I have been using barley in place of pasta in my soup recipes. It is very appealing in taste and substance. Vegetable Beef Barley is a delicious combination and healthier than the pasta I had been using.


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