Healthy Eating

Feb 23, 2006

Constipation and Breast Cancer

Did you know that women who are chronically constipated are 4 times more likely to develop breast cancer? Constipation is often ignored because most people don’t like to discuss it.
What is Constipation?
The mainstream medical definition of constipation differs from the natural medicine definition.
The natural medicine community believes that the healthiest bowel movements should occur 2 - 3 times a day. Unfortunately, most people think that one bowel movement a day is all they should expect. Constipation can cause toxins in the colon that are absorbed into the bloodstream. The slowness of transit time of food through the colon is what causes the problem. The transit time is th time it takes for food to enter the mouth and exit the rectum. A healthy transit time is less than 24 hours. Slow transit times allows the stool to build up on the walls of the colon, preventing healthy nutrient absorption. This robs the body of vitamins and nutrients that create energy and vitality. This is why constipated people complain of fatigue and depression. You may have chronic fatigue caused by chronic constipation. The absorption of toxic materials is a form of self-poisoning, referred to as autointoxication. The toxins can travel throughout the bloodstream and settle in tissues, creating many symptoms, including some autoimmune disorders. Some of the symptoms associated with auto-intoxication include headache, brain fog, depression, obesity, diverticulosis, PMS, bad breath, foul smelling flatulence, indigestion, gas, bloating arthritis, body odor and other more serious conditions.
Many natural medical practitioners believe that colon cancer, the 2nd leading cause of death in the United States, can result from years of autointoxication.
There are many factors that lead to a constipated colon. Generally, it’s a combination of factors that make up a lifestyle, which results in constipation.
Diet: Americans love processed food, coffee, alcohol and refined sugar and other high glycemic carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc.). Refined sugar slows th normal contractions of the bowel, slowing transit time. The traditional diet of meat, potatoes, bread, pasta, and dairy sets the stage for constipation, because it is practically devoid of fiber. Fiber helps create the bulk in the colon necessary for regular and healthy bowel movements. The smooth muscular walls of the colon need fiber to grab onto while contracting, and the need fiber to sweep away debris that attaches to the wall. A standard American diet also lacks essential fatty acids needed by the body to lubricate the bowel for easier elimination.
Dehydration: Proper hydration (8 - 10 glasses of water per day) is needed by the digestive system for healthy bowel movements. Many people are dehydrated, because they think that soda, coffee and tea are sufficient substitutes for water to hydrate the body. Unfortunately most of these drinks contain caffeine, which dehydrates the body. Additionally, many people do not drink adequate amounts of water because they do not like to urinate frequently.
Lack of exercise: Exercise stimulates th lymphatic system, which can stimulate normal muscular contraction in the colon. President Truman use to call his daily walk -his constitutional. He knew that shortly after breakfast, a good walk did the trick.
Medications: Anti-depressants, pain medications, antacids, diuretics (tea) and antibiotics can all cause constipation.
Changes in Routine: When the normal daily routine is altered, as with travel, the bowel can become constipated.
Lack of time: Many people do not take time to listen to the body’s impulse to eliminate waste. By ignoring even the slightest impulse to eliminate, over time, the urge becomes less frequent, leading to a "sluggish bowel".
The 3 steps to Healthy Bowel Function:
1 Peristalsis/hydration: The peristaltic action of the bowel must be regular and vigorous to achieve 2 - 3 bowel movements per day. Peristalsis is the natural wave of contractions produced to move produced by the colon that moves food through the digestive system. The most effective way to stimulate peristalsis, is through proper hydration of the colon.
2) Bulk: The colon requires bulk for it to achieve the 2 -3 bowel movements per day. Optimal intake of fiber is 30 - 40 grams per day. Most Americans consume about 12 grams of fiber per day. This small amount of fiber does not give the peristaltic contractions much to grab hold of while trying to move waste toward the rectum. People often supplement with a soluble fiber supplement, such as psyllium fiber, when they are constipated. This causes the body and the psyllium to compete for water absorption in the intestine. Since many people are constipated due, in part, to dehydration, psyllium can make their constipation problems worse by further dehydrating the body.
3) Lubrication: Lubrication of the colon is critical in achieving 2 - 3 bowel movements a day. Not only do flax, borage and fish oils provide lubrication for the bowel, they also provide the necessary building blocks for a healthy body.
In addition to the 3 steps to healthy bowel function, here are a few helpful hints to keeping regular:
1) Drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water per day.
2) Change your diet slowly, adding in more raw fruits and vegetables. Lower the amount of refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed food in you diet.
3) Take digestive enzymes with your meals to maximize the breakdown of your food.
4) Exercise 3 times a week or more.
5) Try to maintain a regular schedule, even when traveling.
6) Create time every morning to try to eliminate, after drinking a full glass of water.
7) Position your legs correctly while using the toilet. Put your feet up on a telephone book for proper posture for elimination.
8) Cleanse one or two times per year to promote cleansing of the bowel and detoxification of the body.
A complete dinner used to consist of: a relish tray, followed by soup, then salad, and then the main entre’. Soup provided the lubricant, salad gave us the bulk and fiber, roughage and a glass of water with fresh lemon provided the hydration.
Fast food restaurants left the multi-course dinner for a faster: burger, fries and soda. No wonder, we are suffering from so many diseases that a colonoscopy is a routine maintenance procedure to millions of Americans. Treating the condition makes much more money than avoiding the problem through a regimen of eating healthy.


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