Healthy Eating

Feb 19, 2006

Fountain of Youth - Fact or Fairytale?

Well Charlie, you said you didn’t believe in the "Fountain of Youth." But wouldn’t you like to see the evidence and the research? "The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable." says Daniel Rudman, M.D. Tomorrow you will be a day older, but you don’t have to look a day older. The new scientific breakthrough lets you unlock the secrets of maximum life extension, regardless of your current age. Isn’t that great, Charlie?
Medical researchers have discovered how you can increase muscle mass, bolster endurance, supercharge sexual response, melt off fat, restore hair growth, fortify your immune system and improve skin tone. You, yes you, Charlie, may also slice 20 years off your age without: drugs, synthetic hormones, side effects, injections, diets or iron man exercises. You don’t need to set sail to search for the fountain of youth because it lies within the cells of each of us.
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is perhaps the most important discovery in the history of longevity medicine. Richard Marsh, M.D. says, "Studies indicate hGH deficiency is relevant to health and responsible for early onset of degenerative disease, or even premature death."
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) also known as somatotropin, is produced in the pituitary gland on command from the hypothalamus gland. hGH works much of its antiaging magic at night while you sleep. The pituitary gland secretes hGH in small bursts during the first few hours of deep sleep. Unlike any other hormone the body produces, hGH presents the thrilling prospect of arresting the aging process while achieving maximum health, while at the same time building lean muscle and eliminating excess body fat. Why? Because while you sleep, it stimulates the growth and maintenance of bone tissue and muscle mass and helps the body repair itself, replacing old cells with fresh ones by using amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to synthesize new molecules and tissues. When sufficient quantities of hGH are released to ensure this nightly repair, the effects of aging are put on hold.
hGH is one of the many endocrine hormones, like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, melatonin and DHEA that all decline in production with age. While all hormones are important, hGH reaches far beyond the scope of any other hormone. Not only can it prevent biological aging, it can also reverse a broad range of signs and symptoms associated with the aging process. hGH affects every cell in the body and washes away the "disease" of aging. With a steady release of hGH in the body: 1) The immune system is revitalized. 2) Heart attack and stroke risk factors are diminished. 3) Emphysema patients find their oxygen intake improves. 4) Osteoporosis is prevented. 4) Wrinkled skin is restored to youthfulness. 5) Sexual vitality is restored. 6) Hair color is restored. 7) Brain shrinkage is stopped, and that’s just for starters.
I saw a high school student crossing the street yesterday and thought how nice it would be to be that thin and full of energy. No problem. According to recent medical research, hGH revs up the metabolism to former highs, reducing the abdomen, hips, waist and thighs while at the same time increasing muscle mass. In 1989, Dr. Franco Salamon in London, England found that hGH dispensed to adults with deficient levels showed an increase in lean body bass by a remarkable 10% and a 7% reduction of body fat.
As a powerful aphrodisiac, hGH restores sexual potency and sexuality in older men by 75%, according to a study conducted by Dr. Chein at Palm Springs Life Extension Institute.
As a mood elevator, hGH restores the youthful sense of well-being and a zest for life along with the deepest levels of sleep. There is no other substance known to medical science that has such a far-reaching ability to prevent, and even reverse, the aging process, according to Richard Marsh, M.D., one of the world’s foremost longevity experts, "Increasing levels of hGH in an older person is equivalent to giving water to someone who’s dying of thirst." Dr. Marsh reports, "The connection between hGH deficiency, aging and disease is now very well established. This knowledge is now leading to a paradigm shift in orthodox medical diagnosis and treatment."
Longevity medicine promises to provide major breakthroughs in the management of not just body shape and function, but also many difficult disease states —including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune illnesses and cancer. Antiaging is no longer a specialty reserved for the wealthy. It is rapidly becoming central to mainstream medicine. Experienced medical practitioners are using sophisticated hormonal and age parameter screening before tackling treatment regimes.
Central to this new thinking is elevating hGH levels to stimulate unprecedented healing and rejuvenation. In 1990, Dr. Daniel Rudman, Director of Geriatric Medicine at the Chicago Medical School University of Health Science, stunned the world by reporting the results of his experiments with Human Growth Hormone in The New England Journal of Medicine. Over 6 months, he injected hGH into a study group of 12 men (aged 61 to 81) and managed to reverse their biological age by 10 to 20 years. During that period, Dr. Rudman recorded a reduction of their body fat by an average of 14%. Lean muscle mass increased by almost 9%. Their skin grew measurably thicker and more youthful looking. The men reported more energy and increased sex drive.
Since Dr. Rudman’s landmark study, thousands more additional studies have been conducted world-wide. Researchers have documented over and over again that hGH cannot only retard aging but actually reverse the entire aging process from head to toe.
One of the most impressive hGH follow-up studies took place at the Palm Springs Life Extension Institute under the direction of Edmund Chein, M.D. Dr. Chein followed a growth hormone protocol that involved restoring hGH levels with low dose, high frequency injections.
Using this protocol, Dr. Chein developed a program which has been 100% effective for all of his patients. He guarantees that his patients will experience an increase in bone density of 1.5 - 2.5% every 6 months, as well as a loss of 10% body fat and an increase in muscle mass. These processes may continue until the patient attains the body composition of a twenty-five-year-old.
Despite these remarkable results, there was one colossal drawback to hGH injections: they cost about $1,000 per month and were out of reach to all except the wealthy. But then a second discovery in 1997 ushered in the start of what is being referred to as, "the amazing ageless society." In 1997, before the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, Dr. L. E. Dornan revealed that hGH production most certainly declines after 30, but there’s an even more rapid decline, which speeds up aging—the body’s ability to release and use the hGH it produces. His ground breaking research concluded there was no need to inject hGH into the body. Rather, what was needed was a natural method to release the body’s own natural hGH.
"Secretagogues-compounds, which when taken orally, act as precursors or stimulates to the production and release of the body’s own hGH."
– Richard Marsh, M.D.
How do these special releasing compounds work? These incredible supernutrients, which consist mainly of a stacked amino acid complex (SAAC), stimulate receptors in the pituitary and hypothalamus glands and help release the body’s own hidden stores of growth hormone — regardless of age! The definition of secretagogue is really a catalyst, which stimulates the body to secrete its own hormone. You take a natural nutrient that can help the body release its own growth hormone. Dr. L.E. Droman reports that these natural secretagogues may be our best hope for raising hGH in an entirely physiologic manner because of the ability to stimulate the endocrine system to release its own hGH." The best time to take secretagogue hGH PLUS is before bedtime to enhance and mimic the circadian growth hormone release and fat burning potential.
This product is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women trying to conceive, people taking prescription steroid drugs, anyone suffering from autoimmune diseases and anyone with a current or prior diagnosis of cancer. This information is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to be providing medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a qualified physician. The information within these pages is believed to be accurate, but no guarantee can be made. It is not intended to replace a physician’s care or prescribed medication. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.


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