Healthy Eating

Jan 15, 2007

Short-Term Memory Loss - Lack of Focus

Fountain of Youth
Short-Term Memory Loss? Lack of Focus? The new age of youth is tied to lifestyle changes in the past 20 years. It wasn’t that long ago that we ate in a cloud of smoke and guzzled soda pop, alcohol, cheese, potato chips, beer, coffee, and foods heavy with bad cholesterol. If forty is the new thirty, it is the result of a concerted effort on the part of this generation to eliminate the bad habits of their parents and start concentrating on the cause and effect of aging. Medical researchers are now explaining the new middle age will be 75.
In my lifetime, I have seen the changes and old movies confirm a previous generation of smokers, drinkers and people who looked decades older than their chronological age. I see people who are 85 and look like they are in their late 50's.
Many Americans are dehydrated because instead of water, they are drinking soda, alcohol, coffee and tea, the diuretic beverages that actually contribute to the loss of moisture in the body. The skin is the largest organ in the body. When the human body becomes dehydrated, the blood becomes thick and forces all of our organs to work harder. Without adequate water, the skin dries out and flexibility and resilience begin to decrease.
The fountain of youth can be overdone. Just today, we saw a woman in her 20's lose her life in a radio contest to see how many people could, "hold their wi." (the wi being the coveted prize in the contest). In other words, how much water could they drink without having to urinate. This is the second case I have read about in the past year. In one case an elderly woman drank four glasses of water in an hour and ended up with a seizure. She had simply followed her doctor’s instructions to drink "plenty of water." And so it is important to know that anything can be overdone. The young lady died of intoxication from water. While water continues to be necessary for good health and proper digestion, it can be problematic if we overdo it. Six to eight glasses of water in an 8-hour period is adequate and a full glass of water upon rising will aid in the proper elimination we need at the start of a new day. Nora DeVoe, Gerontologist points out once again the importance of adequate hydration in her January 2007 article in After 50.
Other published facts by the Center for Plastic Surgery are:
1. 75% of all Americans are chronically dehydrated.
2. 37% of Americans have thirst mechanisms so weak they mistake this for hunger.
3. Mild dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3%.
4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pains for dieters.
5. Lack of water is the number one reason for daytime fatigue.
6. Six to eight glasses of water a day can ease back and joint pain in 80% of sufferers. 7. A 2% drop in body water weight can trigger short-term memory loss, trouble with basic math, and difficulty in focusing on a computer.
The fountain of youth is why you see more younger looking people carrying water. All the processes of our vital organs rely on the replenishment of water. For good mental health and a more positive attitude, experts say, "drink water." Living our daily lives without enough dramatically increases the aging process. As we grow older we become dehydrated more easily. Drinking enough water is the key to a longer, healthier and happier lifestyle. Water is the main ingredient in the recipe for life. The human body is 75 percent water and 25 percent solid.
When we watch the old movies, we see the smokers who died young and how quickly young actors wrinkled and deteriorated. So if you are tired, suffer aches and pains and have trouble focusing, you may want to consider drinking as least 8 ounces of water an hour. Don’t be surprised if you notice regularity improved and flexibility in regular activities. People will begin to notice the lack of wrinkles and start to compliment you on looking younger. Eat less sodium and sugar, quit smoking and drinking alcohol, stay away from fried foods and hydrogenated vegetable oil and high fructose corn syrup, and you, too, may experience the youthful look of many who are now making a lifestyle change to live longer and happier lives.


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