Healthy Eating

Aug 6, 2007

Heartburn Epidemic and 40 Million Americans

Doctors now report that an estimated 40 million Americans suffer from heartburn, putting them at risk for a range of health worries including esophageal cancer which is skyrocketing. The most serious warning signs associated with heartburn that lead to cancer are painful swallowing, weight loss and bloody stools.
How does this group of 40 million people cope with heartburn? Doctors routinely encourage patients to use heartburn drugs INDEFINITELY and yet all of these drugs (which suppress acid production) cause permanent changes in the gastric environmentl and may increase cancer risk. These drugs do not treat the cause, only the symptom.
Hydrochloric acid is a vital part of good digestion. If you’re over 50, (a time when metabolism slows down and less hydrochloric acid is produced), then your digestion will suffer. With too little acid in the stomach, the passage of food out of the stomach into the small intestine is delayed which can lead to heartburn as the stomach sends food back into the esophagus. (The burning associated with heartburn is caused by stomach acid coming in contact with the esophagus which is not protected with a mucous lining like the stomach is.)
Some believe that heartburn is caused by too much acid. It is actually the reverse that is true. To avoid heartburn, youl can certainly try using a little extra acetic acid after meals or you can eat something bitter like parsley (the French call it "the broom of the stomach") at the start of each meal to stimulate gastric juices. At the same time, try to avoid drinking cold liquids with meals which can suppress acid levels. You should cut back or eliminate chocolate, soft drinks and processed meats and other fatty foods which all slow the rate which the stomach empties into the small intestine.
Excessive acid is almost never the causel of ulcers. Doctors now know that a toxic bacteria called Helicobacter pylori for short) is the primary cause. H. pylori suppresses acid production and creates holes in the stomach’s protective mucous layer, allowing acid to seep into the outer stomach wall. Fortunately, there is a good bacteria that can help defeat H. Pylori and that is Lactobacillus salivarius.
Your mother was righ about chewing food. America’s latest and most popular eating trend is eating in the car. That’s not a stationary car, but a moving one. We are so busy, so stressed and pressed for time, we don’t have time to eat — so we now eat on the run from fast food restaurants. And even if you get a veggie sandwich on whole grain bread, we argue that you can’t digest it properly while driving your car.
Digestion begins in the mouth. As soon as you bite into food, enzymes in your saliva start to break it down for passage through the esophagus toward the stomach. The longer you chew, the less work your small intestine has to do. When your food is well-chewed (as opposed to poorly chewed), it becomes predigested for you. L Chewing well helps to ensure optimal breakdown and absorption of all that you eat. (If you take away no other insights from this article, try spending 5 - 10 minutes morel chewing your food – and not while you’re driving. Your digestion will improve if you pull over and you’ll feel better almost instantly.
If you’re keen on living a long, healthy life, your digestive system needs to be able to break down and absorb your food efficiently and effectively. Once you do this, your elimination will also improve and you’ll enjoy the benefits of 2 - 3 bowel movements every day or one for every meal.


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