Apr 5, 2006

Eating Disorders - Zinc Supplements

Zinc, Zits, Celiac, Eating Disorders, Aging
As a youngster, I was plagued with pimples. In those days, products were intended to hide, rather than prevent pimples, which were assumed to be part of puberty and increased oil in the skin.
The "Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies" by Mark Stengler, N.D. presents a case for Zinc. His recommendation is taking 30 milligrams three times daily, with meals, for a month. Then cut back to 50 milligrams a day as a maintenance dosage. He also recommends a few milligrams of copper to maintain a balance with zinc.
After taking zinc supplement for two months, the patient noticed a marked improvement in his skin. Although his acne didn’t disappear completely, he noticed a marked improvement in his skin and the daily blemishes were greatly improved.
Zinc has many important functions. It is a mineral found in all the cells of the body, it’s known as a cofactor—that is, a substance required for numerous enzymatic reactions, including detoxification.
The elderly are more prone to a deficiency because digestive powers decrease with age and our bodies don’t absorb zinc so well. Within the past decade, we noticed the inclusion of zinc in our "one a day" vitamins. Centrum Silver is one that I wouldn’t be without. Alcoholics are at risk for zinc deficiency, and so is anyone with a metabolic disease such as diabetes. When people have diseases the digestive tract such Crohn’s disease or Celiac disease, and just have general malabsorption—caused by leaky gut syndrome, for instance—they may have impaired mineral absorption.
Vegetarians are prone to zinc deficiency because zinc in plant foods is not so bioavailable as in animal products. Eggs and milk contain ample amounts of zinc. Plant foods such as whole grains and cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds (particularly pumpkin seeds) contain good amounts of zinc, but the mineral isn’t so bioavailable as the zinc that comes from animal products. Breast milk contains a good supply of zinc, so infants are well protected.
Centrum Silver contains the daily allowance of zinc which is 15 milligrams per day for adult males and 12 milligrams for adult females. Good food sources include fish and seafood such as oysters and other shellfish, Red meat is also high in zinc.
If you are taking a calcium supplement, take it at a different time from when you take your zinc supplement. The calcium may hinder zinc absorption.
Side Effects: Zinc is actually quite a safe supplement, though some people may experience digestive upset if they take zinc on an empty stomach.
Eating Disorders: Zinc is involved in producing stomach acid as well as stimulating a normal appetite. Studies have shown that people with anorexia and bulimia have deficient zinc levels and may benefit from zinc supplements. Holistic practitioners recommend zinc as part of a comprehensive protocol for people with these eating disorder.
Zinc may be helpful in slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. In a study that included ten people who had Alzheimer’s disease, researchers found that supplementation with zinc helped eight of the people improve memory and communication..

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