Healthy Eating

Mar 20, 2009

Hydrotherapy Is Better Than Any Pill

Hydrotherapy - Rheumatoid Arthritis
In my 28th year of crippling rheumatoid arthritis, I have found ways to deal with the pain. My Chiropractor considers me the expert on the subject and so here is one of the ways you can alleviate some of the pain and remain mobile:
It has been known that hydrotherapy is beneficial to the body. So out with the bathtub and in with the new wave of "Walk-In Bathtubs." From early Roman days, people used to bathe in spas to help alleviate aches and pains. However, in recent times, research has shown that only 50 percent of the people take baths. The hurried and stress-filled schedule of many of the working poor leaves little time or money to afford the luxury of a modern computerized walk-in bathtub. It is unfortunate that our health care system has not moved more to the side of prevention rather than attempting to use pills as the only way to deal with pain.
A spa system really does make all the difference by massaging you with thousands of tiny bubbles — enabling an invigorating massage. Everything you need is at your fingertips to give you total control of your spa. Hydrotherapy became a part of my routine some 20 years ago when "Jet Tubs" were the rage. The originals were simple and installed without destruction to your walls or ceramic tile. There were usually 6 "eyeball" type jets: two on the knees; two on the hips; one on the feet and one located at the lower middle back. An adjustment would increase the intensity of the flow and an air-switch would turn it on or off in your typical cast iron bathtub. But years have passed and the change in an aging population an the exercise routine of the 21st century adult has resulted in more and more companies producing high-quality fiber glass walk in bath tubs. About five years ago, I began researching the ideal and found that the cost was about the same price as a new car: $18,000. The terms were not very friendly. They wanted 50 percent down before they even delivered the tub to your garage. The work involved destroying the existing walls of sturdy ceramic tile and the work was dirty and traumatic to you living space. With time, new companies entered the market and offered more types and sizes that worked within the available space of 60 inches. Seats and a multitude of jets with hand held, anti-scald shower head were also part of the package. Fiber glass tubs are very light and an access panel makes it easy to service. A ground fault plug (GFI) is necessary for safety and a Corian marble is used for fill in spacing and an additional shelf for various bath soap, shampoo, towels and wash cloths. So this was the year to break up the old cast iron bath tub and begin installation of the new "Hydrotherapy Option Walk-In Bathtub. I had researched prices and discussed my unique problems with various contractors. I found one who was skillful, trustworthy and didn’t require up-front money in such large percentages. In fact he collected nothing until the tub was installed.
Hydrotherapy is particularly important in circulatory and inflammatory conditions - immersion offrs buoyancy, allowing more movement of joings and the easing of pressure on tissues. As little as ten minutes a day can dramatically improve and give relief to many common, but painful problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica and poor blood circulation - to name a few. Our hydrotherapy jets are fitted in the base of the bath, allowing thousands of tiny bubbles to massage you increasing the blood flow to extremities. This helps ensure your entire body benefits while the water is kept moving - the real secret of hydrotherapy. Migraines, tension and stress, tennis elbow, general stiffness, lumbago, arthritis, high blood pressure, sprains and cramps are all helped with hydrotherapy.
I managed to research about 5 reputable companies and found that the walk-in bathtub full installed and the door opening to my bathroom increased to 36 inches, fully installed cost a little more than $8,000. Grab rails, towel holders an anti-scald, hand held shower head and a walk-in door way about 4 - 6 inches off the ground are part of the package. All those I have seen are fully guaranteed - not only the bath, but on the installation as well. The features are that the tub is extra wide to accommodate larger body frames, has a front opening door for easy access, built in anti-slip seat, chrome or gold options on fittings, left or right-hand door openings and is about 40" tall. The size I chose allowed for a 30 inch wide seat. A shower curtain permits its use as a stand-up shower space. You can enjoy a deep bath soak with complete confidence. Relaxing and especially helpful for a good night’s rest, the walk-in bathtub has become a regular part of my daily routine.
For those who find it difficult to get in and out of the old bathtub, the walkin bathtub is a delight and therapeutic to the whole body. The world of health care is quickly changing. I get a weekly whole-body massage and reflexology (foot massage) every other week. Chiropractic alignment using moist heat and electric massage therapy to the lower back. Chiropractic is moving to new technology that enables a computerized system to align the vertebra while decompressing the discs. People are repairing and maintaining their bodies in ways never before available. More insurances are realizing the efficacy of these treatment modalities and are covering them to avoid the expensive and ineffective high cost of pharmaceuticals. Healthy eating is helping people avoid the consequences of diabetes and placqued-up arteries resulting in quadruple bypass surgery. There is a chance that these changes can increase the percentage of people who will live to a ripe old age, fully functional and happy.
You are the only one that can make the changes that will enable your grandchildren to enjoy you wisdom and know you to love and share their lives.
Staying healthy is a matter of maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a regiment of eating the foods that provide the herbs, vitamins and minerals that will keep your arteries clear, your eyes strong, your brain active and alert and your activities diversified and constantly enabling new friendships, less stress and networking with those who are of like mind.
Yesterday, I received acknowledgement from F. Michael Kelleher, Director of Presidential Correspondence inviting me to join them online a They tell me, "Your voice is shaping our country’s future, and we encourage you to join us online, share your thoughts, and build a community of connected citizens that will help address the pressing issues of the time."
"Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth." President Abraham Lincoln


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