Healthy Eating

Apr 2, 2009

Learn To Love The Veggies You Hate

Spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts can help you drop pounds and improve your health and strengthen your immune system. President George H. W. Bush was so proud to say that, "I’m president so I don’t have to eat broccoli anymore." Well the parent inside of you would suggest that you should learn to love the veggies you hate. My father would always instruct his children to taste it before you decide not to eat it.
We can change our tastes. Unfortunately, over the past five decades, food manufacturers have upped the ante on the more dangerous ingredients in prepared food: Sugar and Sodium. You must have noticed how as years passed, you required more and more sugar and sodium to satisfy your palate. Craving sugar, sodium and fats began the problems associated with obesity and the improper dietary habits of the American culture.
When’s the last time you cooked cabbage for dinner? When’s the last time you served beets? If you are as scared of these vegetables as your kids are, blame Mother Nature.
Want to drop pounds? The great news is that we experimented with eating these vegetables for six months: beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, eggplant, and spinach — to trick your taste buds into liking (and maybe even loving) them. These fiber-packed dishes will help you lose weight — especially if you use them to replace junk food; volunteers at Pennsylvania State University who swapped some high-calorie, high-fat foods for veggies, lost 40 percent more than those who didn’t.
That is basically the approach I took in my "Nutrition Based Regimen" that led to a loss of 50 pounds and a drop in triglycerides, cholesterol and blood pressure. My physician was so astounded that he insisted I write the book, "Make Eating A Lifestyle Change." You won’t go hungry and you won’t eat less. You won’t have to count calories and you will be surprised to see the pounds come off as you feel lighter and full of energy. We further documented the results with quarterly blood tests and I revealed the results to show how eating healthy can eliminate the need for expensive pills and give you back ten years or more in your appearance.
Identify the enemy and you are half way towards solving the problems related to obesity.
BEETS: Just one cup of the super veggie packs 34 percent of your daily need for folate (which can help lower levels of heart-threatening homocysteine). 15 percent of potassium (which reduces blood pressure levels), and 27 percent of manganese (which helps maintain your bones). I like pickled beets and have always loved that vinegar taste on my vegetables. It sweetens the taste and improves the flavor.
BRUSSELS SPROUTS: The cruciferous vegetable is first cousin to broccoli and helps ward off cancer. In one Dutch study, men who ate Brussels sprouts daily for three weeks had 28 percent less genetic damage (a root cause of cancer) than those who didn’t.
SPINACH: Popeye had the right idea, but the kids just didn’t buy into it. Thanks to high levels of beta-carotene, vitamins B2, B6, C, and K — plus generous amounts of manganese, folate, and magnesium — spinach is possibly the healthiest vegetable in the world.
EGGPLANT: The bitter taste comes in part, from chlorogenic acid, which helps prevent cancer and can also keep heart-threatening plaque from building up. What’s more, the latest studies show that eating eggplant lowers cholesterol and helps artery walls relax, which can cut your risk for high blood pressure.
CABBAGE: Eating it a few times a week can cut your risk of breast, lung and colon cancers. In one study of 300 Chinese women, those with the highest levels of cancer-fighting isothiocyanate — found in cabbage — had a 45 percent lower risk of breast cancer than those with the lowest levels. Cabbage soup with green peppers, onions, tomato juice, carrots and some apple cider vinegar is the recipe for a "Super-Fat-Burning Soup." The more you eat, the more you lose.
BROCCOLI: A super source of Vitamin C and K (one cup has more than a day’s worth of each), broccoli also helps ward off cancer. Sulforaphane, one of its compounds, disarms cancer-causing substances. In lab studies, a different compound, called indole-3-carbonyl, prevented tumor growth in animals.
SOUP: I like to take the frozen Mediterranean vegetables and add them to a 99 percent fat free broth with diced chicken breast for a healthy meal in a bowl. Sysco carries a large package of these vegetables which include the above as well as cauliflower and green beans, and is so easy on the digestive system. It is a way to get as many as 12 vegetables and lubricate the digestive system to promote regularity.
Everybody has a little different taste for foods and some are even allergic to certain foods. Cafeterias in schools now have special tables for students allergic to peanuts, dairy and fish. My own father, as sturdy, strong and healthy as he was, would not eat eggplant. He told my mother, he would eat anything she prepared except eggplant. However, he ate chicken vegetable soup, all the fish he could catch, hot peppers and red wine. I turned out allergic to wine, but I do snack on seedless red grapes, pineapple, apples and pears.
The point is obvious. Fill up on good food and you won’t be hungry enough to eat the fried foods, French fries, Buffalo wings, hot dogs, pizza, cake and cookies! The war against obesity and diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke is best fought learning to love the vegetables you hate and eating venison, bison, chicken and red Pacific Sockeye Salmon. Talk to your doctor about the change in your eating habits and he will be shocked by the results of you blood tests as mine have. Frozen wild-blueberries with your "large flake oatmeal," diced apple and cinnamon, can increase the "lutein" to help with your eyes and you will notice a difference. Instead of wine, I have a shot of wild blueberry juice at each meal. I don’t smoke, consume alcohol or eat anything with trans fats. Limit your intake of lean beef to no more than 4 - 6 ounces rather than the "King Size," artery-clogging 12 - 16 ounce steaks.
You will find the energy, happiness, health and activities you enjoyed as a child, if you can adjust your tastes to those foods that are prescribed by Our Creator with the best combination of herbs, vitamins and minerals you need to keep you in the game.


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