Healthy Eating

Feb 17, 2011

Powerful Heart Nutrient CoQ10

CoQ10 supports heart health and cellular energy. Furthermore the researcher have been touting CoenzymeQ10 (CoQ10) is a powerful heart nutrient. CoQ10 is a vitamin-like nutrient naturally produced in the body. It’s a key element to energy production and antioxidant protection. Numerous studies of CoQ10s benefits to the circulatory system have been conducted during recent years, all showing a strong benefit to hearth health.
Good for those with hearth failure
A study in the European Heart Journal showed that CoQ10 strengthens the heart. The team studied 23 patients with an average age 59-years-old. They had moderate to severe heart failure. They were assigned four weeks each of oral CoQ10 supplements or inactive placebo pills with or without supervised exercise training five times per week. Supplementation with CoQ10 led to an improvement in peak exercise capacity and cardiac function without any side effects.
Healthy capillaries
One recently published study found in the Journal, Evidence Based Integrative Medicine, specifically points to CoQ10's use in supporting healthy circulation. Patients who took CoQ10 together with Pycnogenol (Pine Bark Extract) benefitted from collaborative antioxidant effects. It provided antioxidant protection from cell damaging free-radicals and helped maintain a healthy capillary circulatory system.
Regenerates Vitamin E
In another study of its interactive benefits with other nutrients, CoQ10 was shown to interact with alpha-lipoic acid to regenerate oxidized vitamin E, which can help support healthy blood pressure levels and lipid metabolism. CoQ10 raises the body’s level of vitamin E, causing a cascade of other benefits.
Protecting against stress from exercise
Vigorous exercise, as well as environmental toxins, can generate free radicals in the body. CoQ10 helps neutralize these free radicals so you get all the benefits of exercise without the potentially damaging effects.
Prevents damage from high trans fat diets
The news keeps getting better. Based on research from India, CoQ10 may be useful to protect the heart for people who consume too much trans fat. This is bad fat found in candy bars, sour breads and many processed foods.
Statin drugs may deplete CoQ10
Evidence suggests people who use statin drugs to treat high cholesterol levels may be simultaneously depleting CoQ10 levels. Many cardiologists are now recommending CoQ10 to patients as an adjunct to traditional medical treatments, especially for those with congestive heart failure.
CoQ10 levels decline with age
The concentration of CoQ10 in the body decreases as we age. This decrease in CoQ10 begins to take place around the age of 40. However, some research suggests that levels begin to diminish as early as 20 years of age, with a slow but continuous decline thereafter.
Several factors contribute to the aging process, but many age-related conditions are associated with this decline in CoQ10 levels. You might think of cardiovascular disease, neuro-degenerative disease, cancer, diabetes, fatigue, and reduced stamina and energy as unavoidable symptoms of aging. You probably don’t realize these problems may be linked to diminished amounts of CoQ10 as you get older.
If you have heart problems or a family history of heart problems, supplementation with CoQ10 is definitely a good idea.
CoQ10 Typical Daily Dosages
30 - 100 mg General Health
90 - 160 mg Heavy Exercise
60 - 160 mg Family History of heart problems
100 - 200 mg Mild heart problems
1,200 mg Those with Parkinson’s
I was first introduced to CoQ10 while experiencing serious arrhythmia. A friend recommended I start taking 60mg twice a day. I no longer have the arrhythmia problem. There is more to it than that. I started eating fish three times a week and I changed my lifestyle to eliminate stressful environments. Dedicating myself to helping others played a big role in changing my health to a positive side.
Eating the right foods and eliminating smoking and alcohol contributed to my health, as well. I believe in Kenny Rogers philosophy on the secrets to a good life: Something to do, Something to look forward to, and Someone to LOVE!


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