Healthy Eating

Apr 14, 2008

Rotting Away Your Digestive Tract

It’s shocking how popular laxatives, drugs and antacids ‘rot away’ your digestive tract. The Mayo Clinic warns you about popular remedies! They say, "Laxatives can damage nerves, muscles, and the tissues of the large intestines …" Dr. Pournadeali adds, "Antacids simply cover up symptoms." Your system comes to rely on antacids and "forgets" how to operate normally. This is a disaster. It’s a shame, but the popular digestive remedies have truly shocking disadvantages.
They suppress pepsin, a stomach acid vital to digest protein.
Many of the products contain ALUMINUM, a toxic heavy metal that’s been potentially linked to Alzheimer’s. I remember my mother-in-law using all aluminum pots. She and her husband suffered from Alzheimer’s.
Some contain calcium carbonate. Excessive use of this can lead to kidney stones and constipation. According to Dr. Mercola, drugs like Prilosec "actually worsen" your problem because they reduce vital stomach acid used to digest your food.
If you’re grabbing an antacid for your digestive problem, you’re making a huge mistake. Not only do they just mask the problem, they can make it worse. Better Nutrition Magazine says, "If repeatedly reaching for an antacid in the middle of the night seems like a quick solution, think again."
Now listen to Dr. Ronald Hoffman "…antacids will sometimes cause your stomach to produce more acid—a condition called acid rebound, which worsens your gastrointestinal problem. Also, antacids change the pH environment of your gut, potentially causing an imbalance of friendly flora and putting you at risk by the unfriendly types. Some believe that antacids may even help set the stage for infection with Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium that causes ulcers."
Prevacid and Prilosec got their doors blown off after this New England Journal of Medicine article! You need a natural solution. Drugs are not the final answer. A survey of over 4,300 patients taking Prilosec or Prevacid found: 1) 35% to 41% of the people taking these drugs continue to experience daily heartburn symptoms. 2) As many as 60% say that they’re experiencing these symptoms three or more times a week. 3) 75% of these people ALSO take Pepcid, Maalox and Tums. CNN gives you the facts you must know… "Fecal incontinence is the inability to control your bowel movements, causing stool (feces) to leak unexpectedly from your rectum. Also called bowel incontinence, fecal incontinence can range from an occasional leakage of stool while passing gas to a complete loss of bowel control…"
Science is finding out how valuable these tiny miracle workers are. As many as 498 different bacteria call your digestive system home. Most importantly, "friendly bacteria", also called probiotics, help you break down your food and absorb critically important vitamins, minerals and nutrients. They also stimulate your body’s vital immune system by increasing production of immune-boosting substances like IgA (immunoglobulin antibodies". Probiotics also help stop "unfriendly" micro-organisms from attaching themselves to you as well as helping to prevent the entry of allergens. If you have high cholesterol, these good guys bring your body back into balance by removing excess cholesterol. A study in the Journal of Dairy Science showed a whopping 17% increase in the ratio of "good" cholesterol to "bad" cholesterol. And that’s not all they do. They also crowd out the bad bacteria.
Imagine increasing your odds of getting a killer pneumonia by over 400%! It made headlines in U.S. News & World Report, an internationally respected magazine. The results of an antacid study of 500,000 people involving 149 doctors revealed the following little-known conclusion.
"People who have been taking acid-suppressing drugs were 4.5 times more likely to get pneumonia than people who hadn’t taken the drug…"
"Long-term use of antacids can result in side-effects, including diarrhea." say the National Institute of Health, Federal Government.
A meal you eat on Wednesday is still in your body on Saturday. Food takes up to 100 hours—that’s four days—to get through your body. After three or four days, food rots. Leave today’s lunch out for four days. Would you eat it then? Obviously not…but food is still in you 4 days later! Slowly rotting food causes gas. This undigested food builds up because you don’t have enough good bacteria and enzymes to digest it, so it remains an undigested painful lump, pumping out gas!
As you grow older, your level of friendly bacteria can drop dramatically. Your gastrointestinal tract (GI) should ideally contain 85% friendly microbes and 15% "unfriendly" bacteria. Sadly, for most people, those numbers are reversed, meaning 85% of the microbes are "bad" and only 15% are good. That’s why the #1 health complaint—worldwide—is poor digestion, constipation and diarrhea, lack of energy, toxins, irritated bowels and high cholesterol. You can, however, greatly increase your level of friendly microbes by using "Flora Source." Flora Source has 16 billion health-building cells in each capsule versus 1 billion for the leading competitor.
When you don’t have enough good bacteria to quickly and easily help you digest your food, the bad bacteria takes over, creating gas discharges. Gas causes pain and discomfort. Gas causes a swelling in your system—like blowing up a balloon. It can feel like a dull ache or a sudden sharp jabbing.
Some people use "Flora Source" to stimulate their entire digestive system by helping to produce essential vitamins and regulate their levels in your system. Flora Source works for you and can be obtained by calling 1-800-914-6311. The information here is the result of one of many of my sources for healthy eating, "Doctor’s Digestive Alert."
Also, the Healthy Living Organization reveals, "There is nothing more important to your health than a clean digestive system."


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