Healthy Eating

Aug 15, 2009

Finding the Fountain of Youth

Getting older and looking younger is possible for those who have the right solution: water! Just a generation ago, people worked harder, ate meals heavy with bad fats, smoked, drank alcohol, exercised less and were exposed to burning sun and drying wind. They wouldn’t think of carrying a bottle of water with them. Soda pop was bought by the case and whole milk was considered the only healthy beverage for the young. Older people drank as much as a couple dozen cups of coffee in one day ~ so much that workers referred to a 15 minute break as a "coffee break." The new generation of health-conscious Americans are spending more time and money on healthy activities. Allowing one cup of coffee in the morning as a "starter fluid" isn’t bad, but more caffeine can cause dehydration.
The most recent research reveals that the Fountain of Youth involves drinking pure water as the key to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Water is the main ingredient in the recipe of life and longevity. The human body is 75 percent water and 25 percent solid.
All the processes of our vital organs and digestive system rely on the replenishment of water for good mental health and a more positive attitude. Experts recommend 6 - 8 glasses of water throughout the day. Those who fail to recognize the importance of adequate water often wear the map of age lines and wrinkles~increasing the aging process. Some doctors recommend we drink fluids with electrolytes to prevent muscle-cramping. During the hot days of summer, we can become dehydrated without knowing it. By the time we realize we are thirsty - we are already suffering the effects of dehydration. Tiring easily and cramping up during routine gardening or outdoor sports can be avoided by replenishing the water in your body by sipping water regularly.
Some of the effects of the dehydration process can be compared to the plum and prune. Without enough water, the human body will have dry skin, sunken facial features, crevices in the tongue, dry gums (which promote gum disease and the loss of plumpness and elasticity of the skin). Many Americans are dehydrated because they are drawn to the vending machines that dispense coffee, tea or soda, diuretic beverages that actually contribute to the loss of moisture in the body. The skin is the largest organ in the body. When the human body becomes dehydrated, the blood becomes thick and forces all of our organs to work harder. It’s almost as if you tried to run an engine without adequate lubricant~wearing out parts while slowing down the digestive process. Of course smoking is another culprit in removing the collagen that affects the smoothness and fullness of the facial tissue.
Interesting facts published by a center for plastic surgery include the following: 1) 75% of all Americans are chronically dehydrated. 2) 37% of Americans have thirst mechanisms so weak they mistake this for hunger. 3) Mild dehydration will slow down your metabolism as much as 3%. 4) One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pains for dieters. 5) Lack of water is the number one reason for daytime fatigue. 6) Six to eight glasses of water a day can ease back and joint pain in 80% of sufferers. 7) A 2% drop in body water weight can trigger short term memory loss, trouble with basic math, and difficulty in focusing on a computer. 8) Constipation can be minimized with a healthy glass of water~immediately upon rising.
With knowledge comes power to conquer the problems of aging, to look and feel better and to lubricate the muscles and joints that keep you active. So, remember that short-term memory loss, trouble focusing, mobility and energy are all part of a problem of dehydration and the solution may be the Fountain of Youth. For health conscious individuals who know the secret of the Fountain of Youth, medical researchers now explain the new middle age will be 75.


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