Healthy Eating

Sep 13, 2009

FREE Health Screenings - Risky Drugs

How are free health-screening led to:
False Findings
Risky Drugs
Needless Surgery
How to ensure it doesn’t happen to you!
* Too many false-negatives lead us down the path to countless drugs & surgery.
* Why do we do the things we do? They are convenient, analytical and detect health problems early and they are often free ~ but they can lead to deadly consequences.
* They’re health screenings.
Health screenings can be a blessing when they catch a potential problem that can be prevented or treated early. Unfortunately, those are rare instances. In fact, for the most part, health screenings are nothing more than moneymaking promotional efforts.
The truth is they benefit: doctors, nurses, medical equipment makers, hospitals, surgeons and most of all, the big drug companies. Most of the time, they do not benefit you. "Health Alert" in its August-September 2009 issue of The National Health Reporter reveals the following:
The truth about medical health screenings… Most of the time they do not benefit you.
The problem is health screenings turn up false findings or simply harmless conditions that are diagnosed as serious disease. For those caught in this snare, they are shuffled into a series of dangerous and aggressive tests and unnecessary treatments, including invasive surgery and toxic drugs with an array of side effects.
After just taking dangerous prescription drugs, this vivacious grandmother-never got out of bed again. A jovial, loving, grandmother was the picture of vitality and good health. She was more active than people half her age— and was totally free of prescription drugs—a miracle for an 80-year-old woman.
That all changed with a FREE HEALTH SCREENING: Melinda was told she had high cholesterol (265) and high blood pressure (140/90). This, in spite of the fact that a recent study reported in the prestigious British Medical Journal, The Lancet, showed that, contrary to conventional medical wisdom, high cholesterol levels in older people add —not subtract—years of life. They also conveniently omitted the facts that 140/90 is also normal blood pressure for an 80-year-old woman and that blood pressure pills—even if taken for 30 years—prolong life by only a couple of weeks!
These facts didn’t matter to the Health Screeners. She was referred to her family physician for further testing, and soon after, placed on Lipitor® for her "high cholesterol" and Toprol® for her "high blood pressure." Well, both of these dugs are toxic time bombs!
Within days, Melinda lost all her energy. She became weak, dizzy and depressed. Her breathing became labored. And, she lost all interest in the things that once made her very happy. Alarmed, Melinda’s son took her in to see another doctor. Amazingly, that physician didn’t even ask what drugs Melinda was taking! He simply scribbled a prescription for Zoloft® to help her with her "depression."
Of course, by themselves each of these drugs would have taken a toll on Melinda’s once drug-free body. But together they mercilessly punished this vibrant and healthy grandmother. The following day, Melinda became so weak and dizzy that she fainted. She fell and broke her hip. Once admitted to the hospital, it was determined that she had osteoporosis.
Now she was prescribed a new drug, Fosamax®—this despite the fact that bone drugs like Fosamax do not help build healthy bone mass. What’s more, these drugs are implicated in irreversible, horrifying cases of necrosis of the mandible, also known as rotting of the jaw!
By now Melinda was in a life-threatening situation. She struggled along in the hospital, made it through surgery with a brand new titanium hip and ended up in excruciating pain. So what did her doctors so?
You guessed it…MORE pain meds were added to her long list of drugs. This was the final stage of her tragic downward death spiral. Barely able to breathe, Melinda was put on oxygen and the later ventilated and intubated. It was a sad and terrible end for a once active and vivacious grandmother. Unable to continue to fight the good fight, she took her last breath and died.
What can you learn from this? The combination of health-screening, drugs and invasive surgery helped to destroy this, once healthy life. Don’t let this happen to you or someone you love.
The best way to fight back is to arm yourself with information. That’s why I offer the power of knowledge with this article and many others so that you’ll discover natural alternatives to toxic drugs and risky surgery—information that can save your life.
Health care will cost a lot less and result in better results if we simply know that "for profit" drug companies, surgeons and their servants are in it for the money and could care less about the results.
The four neighbors on my own street who lived to 100 years old would not allow the paramedics to call an ambulance. They merely smiled and said, "It’s easy to get into a hospital, but impossible to get out without a release from your doctor." One hundred thousand people die, "IN HOSPITALS", every year due to incompetent treatment and results from tests that are mistaken or attributed to the wrong patient.
Tort Reform? Hell NO! Let the AMA insure and discipline the doctors who make these mistakes. Don’t blame the high insurance on the lack of "Tort Reform." If the doctor cuts off the wrong foot in operating on your family member~"How much is that worth?" Let a jury decide and ask the AMA why they don’t speak to the issues that are destroying the life of millions of American lives.
Stand up to your school dietician who has a menu of: hamburgers and French fries; Pizza and Pop; Hot Dogs and French fries and Nachos and cheese. Take your cell phones into your schools and snap a picture of the vending machines that pump up our children with too much sugar leading to a prescription for Ritalin®. Take an active role in the health of your families and shop in the produce section more that the "Prepared Foods and Fast Food Freezers!"
Americans need only look at the size of our children coming out of elementary school to know that we have a battle against "Obesity and the improper dietary habits of the American Culture." Eating 265 "Buffalo Wings" at one seating is not a sport-- it is dangerous and we should put a stop to it!


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