Healthy Eating

Dec 12, 2009


This writer was born in a small coal-mining hamlet in Pennsylvania. No restaurants, no doctors and no pharmacies. All four of my grandparents lived to the ripe old age of 88-years. When we had a problem, we just asked grandma and she really knew the answer. She gave birth to nine girls and a boy in a four room house without a bathroom. Grandma and grandpa were born in a small town in Sicily, Italy. The Mediterranean diet was no diet ~ it was a way of life ~ it was the nutrition that kept you healthy and strong. When you didn’t feel well, grandma simply said “Mangia, you’ll feel better.” It always worked. They were born in 1880 and passed on in 1968. Here I am more than 40 years later~reading all the research I can find to help my friends find a better way to live and finally we have reached the conclusion that your cure may be as close as your nearest Supermarket.
Pity the poor pharmaceutical companies! Just when they thought they had a “Lock” on the Health-Care Industry…scientists discovered that many, if not most of the diseases that plague mankind can be treated with FOOD! My Godparents are in their late 80's and attribute their outstanding health to Mediterranean eating.
In the tiny Kitavin Islands off the coast of New Guinea, for example, not one single case of acne has never been found. Why? Because the natives love to eat yams! As a result, they have a hormonal balance in their bodies that makes skin problems rare. Alzheimer’s Disease is uncommon. Scientists think it may be that they use so much “turmeric” in their food. Instead of mayonnaise, they use yellow mustard. My father loved the stuff and usually bought the kind with horseradish added. He was the healthiest-looking man in the room - even when he was laid out in the casket!
Autoimmune diseases like Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis seldom strike people who live in Greenland. Why not? Because they eat so much deep-water fish. My father never had an ache in his body, but there he was out on Lake Erie~cutting a whole in the ice and fishing like an “Eskimo” and that was in his 70's. He love fishing, and brought his neighbors buckets full of “Smelt.”
In short, somewhere in the world, the health problems you’re suffering from right now have been solved. Not by drugs and not by surgery ~ but by FOOD!
Take “dark chocolate,” for example. Julie and I take one small bar of dark chocolate as part of our regimen (1.44 oz.) No milk, no nuts and little sugar. Did you know that it contains more flavonoids -a powerful antioxidant - than any other food you can buy?
Dark chocolate improves blood flow to the brain and that can’t be bad.
Coffee is so effective against asthma that, in a pinch, it can be used instead of an inhaler! A cup of coffee in the morning is good for the lungs. And if you want a quick burst of energy, try sucking on a LEMON! The basketball team at my elementary school did this before any game. Lemon is used by the Greeks on their salads and in their drinking water. I never go anywhere without a fresh lemon. I passed seven kidney stones in the 1970's and instinctively began drinking only lemonade made with fresh lemons. No more kidney stones -- and if you have them, lemons will dissolve them. Healing yourself with foods is not about sacrifice and deprivation. It’s about eating MORE ~ more of your favorite foods, more variety and more flavors.
On St. Joseph’s Day, all my friends and relatives would bring healthy foods to the table, then sit back and watch the nutrients in these foods work their healing miracles inside your body.
It took a while, but so many people have been helped by, “Make Eating A Lifestyle Change.” A 425 pound woman now weighs only 185 pounds and regained her youthful look. The love of my life took off 60 pounds and proudly displays her, “before and after picture.” She is considered a “KOPS” achiever for Keeping Off Pounds Sensibly for more than five years.
Just think of it -- my own doctor asks me for a way to cure his infected tonsils and then tells everybody how effective the apple-cider vinegar was. He played tennis the next day. Doctors admit that they had very little instruction on the benefits of nutrition. Now they ask, “What were the benefits you told me ~ about pineapple?” I answered immediately, “Bromelain and Papain!” He replied, “What a mind you have.” “No Doc, just God’s blessing.” I can’t ski and I don’t climb mountains, but I love people, music, prayer and watching people laughing and having fun.
Someday you may live to see a prescription that looks like this:
RX For Arthritis Pain and Swelling:
Take one 6-ounce red, sockeye Pacific Salmon 3 x per week for inflammation.
(The canned version even contains edible bones with calcium as a benefit)
I follow my Polish father’s love for fish by taking a 12 ounce serving of Herring or Kipper costing me all of 99 cents. Sardines taste a lot better than pills and the brain can understand the language of healing they speak.
Take 1 cup of diced pineapple for pain as needed (instead of ibuprofen)
There’s the bromelain and papain I was talking about.
Take 1 pomegranate (by mouth) to prevent further deterioration of cartilage.
You might find EATING to be a “PRACTICE” worth “PERFECTING.”
Reader’s Digest has just come out with a book called, “The Physician’s Book of FOOD PRESCRIPTIONS. They published a book called, “FOOD CURES” a breakthrough on Nutritional Prescriptions (Colds to Cancer).
We may not need all that much Universal Health Care after all. For 35 years I campaigned for Universal-Single Payer-Health Care and here I am believing that the answers are in the food we eat ~ not the expensive pills we take. Don’t fear using those food that really do make you feel better and have no side effects.
Mix that in with LOVE and LAUGHTER and a good dose of healthy exercise. Try tennis and badminton and find out why researchers are now claiming that your chances of dying of any cause are reduced by 50% if you play tennis three hours a week. Our Senior Tennis League has nine members over 85 years old and three over 90. The oldest is 93 and is beating everyone on her court. Seeing is believing!


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