Healthy Eating

Jan 21, 2006

Jesus' Diet May Be A Good Place To Start

Jesus Diet-Mediterranean
This is not to single out a religion, so much as the way He lived. Jesus was a Jew and Kosher eating was not a bad thing then or now. Whether Jew or Gentile, the message is the same, "Eat well, live well and be at peace with yourself and others."
In a previous article I addressed the idea of "fasting." Now more and more people believe it is necessary to cleanse the colon, rest the digestive organs and cleanse them as you should cleanse your soul. These are not exclusive to a religion. If you believe in no God, but conduct your lifestyle in a manner that is healthy — you will enjoy the fruits of your labor. Jesus ate to live and not the other way around. He did not believe in gluttonous behavior and espoused the ideas of "faith, hope and charity." These are not exclusive either and bring health to the mind, body and spirit of those who suffer from dis - ease. A fisher of men, he made it known how important fish and wine were in our intake of food. On two occasions Jesus dealt with the lack of both and multiplied the availability to serve the needs of his followers, his mother and the guests at the wedding at Canna.
Most recently, Jesus is becoming the focus in eating healthy. Although I would not recommend fasting for 40 days and 40 nights, I would suggest that we give our digestive systems an occasional rest–even if you only decide to call it quits as early as 8 p.m. each evening - regarding your intake of food. You will save your esophagus from acid reflux and prevent the toxins from invading your digestive system causing complications in the colon.
Gravity is important to the digestive process and rest after eating was a custom followed in many cultures. The body switches to a "digestive mode" and needs to focus on getting the nutrition it needs, while separating out the waste products and preparing the lower digestive tract for their arrival at the end of that process. Drinking a full glass of water, upon arising in the morning, will allow any remaining waste to soften and be easily passed out of your system. The body will absorb these dangerous toxins into the bloodstream if you do not allow the process to complete itself in an orderly fashion. That was the reason for siesta in Mexico and hotter climates and it was a time for nutrition to be absorbed and serve the needs of the body.
So you see, no matter what your religion, common sense regarding our bodies and what we eat applies to all who wish to live a healthy and long life. My friends are of all religions and I respect them for their belief in a healthy mind and body, and friendship and compassion for all people — regardless of their creed, race or country of origin. There is enough in the way of real problems to address without such wasteful and prejudicial hate.
Who amongst you would refuse to be attended to by the greatest physician who ever lived because he was not of your religion, or ethnicity?
Role models walk amongst us, but neither Atkins nor Trudeau are in the category of those who I would choose. Their opinions and diets are now exposed for what they really are: All about Greed and deception — while kneeling at the altar of the almighty dollar. I bought the books, read the content, and strongly suggest you look elsewhere. There are no quick remedies to living and eating healthy. You have to know it in your heart. People who do the research, now know, that any diet will work if you believe in it. I don’t agree with that, but it is important that you believe in yourself and what you are doing, if you are to grow older, wiser and healthier. In doing so, you will be providing a role-model for others who will seek to duplicate your success.
Physicians are not all bad, nor are they all greedy, but too many of them lack the ability to keep up with the latest research. A friend of mine has a son with cancer and asked her physician about "Mangosteen." He replied, honestly, "I never heard of it."
Don’t expect that every physician knows everything or even the right or best thing. Over the years we spoiled them by treating them like "Gods" and they began to believe it. That is more our fault than theirs. It is up to you to question and reason why, to observe the benefits or lack thereof, and then make an informed decision.
In the many hats I have worn in this life, I found that only 1 out of 10 are worthy of the title they hold. Those are not great odds, but it is important that you remember to look for the one who has the key to your health and not the pen and paper (for prescriptions) to further destroy your natural bodily defenses. A kind and gentle eye surgeon said to me recently, "the best healer is mother nature." He never filled out a prescription for me and he reads this blog. More doctors are waking up to the real purpose of their work —healing. If a plumber can’t fix your problem – don’t pay him and apply that "POLICY" to all your dealings. Check with your friends and seek out all you can about a doctor before you begin trusting him with your life and that of your family’s. Keep a notebook on all tests you have performed and keep your prescription bottle(s) for reference. Make note of foods that disagree with you and learn the benefits of those that make you feel better. We are not all created equally, nor are we genetically as strong as some of our ancestors. Fried food is good for no one. Bad fats clog the arteries and cookies, cake and processed foods can lead to an early death. You do have a stake in your survival. Unfortunately, those who don’t care, suffer the consequences. Intelligent people learn to choose good food and live longer than those who could care less. Unfortunately, many doctors are grossly overweight and have little energy to search the internet or do first hand research.
You can learn a lot when you walk into the doctor’s office by looking at all the advertisements on his walls for prescription drugs. If that doesn’t tell you anything, then you must believe in the "magic pill." Today, many doctors are more focused on wealth and less time is spent solving health problems. These are not apostles - just salesmen - for the pharmaceutical industry. Choose a caring doctor who is inquisitive and listens well, before making a diagnosis. He should want to help you understand and develop a plan - for resolving your health problem.
This generation of healers should have a computer profile of your medical problems in front of him, before he begins writing prescriptions.

Jan 18, 2006

Physicians: "Tear Down This Wall"

After exhaustive research and contact with many physicians, I believe it is time for the medical community to tear down the wall between various modalities of treatment. Whole food must be considered as a nutritionally-safe approach to serious health problems - including cancer, MS, degenerative arthritis, stroke, heart attack, macular degeneration and an epidemic of diseases caused by "the improper dietary habits of the American Culture." That last quote was taken directly from my personal physician and mentor at his insistence that I write this book, "Make Eating A Lifestyle Change."
The time has come to recognize that greed is the glue that binds the medical community to an addictive dependence on the big money coming from the pharmaceutical companies.
Open the doors, clear the air, forget the profits and fulfill your oath to your patients. There is plenty of research from Universities around the globe that is worthy of use in the practice of "HEALING." Doctor of Medicine should be changed to Doctor of Drugs and doctors need to "fess-up" on the perks they receive. They need to use knowledge, instead of chemicals, to heal their patients. Whether they do or not is almost irrelevant, because people are using the internet and realizing the dangers of the drugs being prescribed by physicians we once trusted and respected. Physicians need to be open-minded and diligent in pursuing knowledge at a time when humans are being exposed to serious consequences from the chemicals they prescribe. "Heal thyself, physician" Too many doctors are dying young for lack of proper maintenance, proper nutrition and exercise. One need look no further than the obituary column to see the early demise of so many doctors, from diseases they have treated all their lives. Could it be that their success was measured in terms of materialistic wealth? When prescribing medicine with such dangerous side effects that it requires more of the same, the physician becomes, less the solution, and more - the problem! It is time for physicians to earn their keep. Learn how to use the internet. Learn about DNA mapping and consider the benefits of nutrition proven to improve the health of their patients. Search the internet for "Mangosteen" and "Graviola." Consider the credibility of the researchers and their results. Expand your field of knowledge beyond the biased remarks from the man with the "black satchel" who dares to cut ahead of sick people, just to increase his own income as a "Drug Pusher."
Remember that arrogance is the wall that separates physicians from the advancement of new cures. Now is the time for all good physicians to begin opening the door to "Integrative Medicine." Doctors who are role models of good health, do not limit their time, as though they were day laborers. Physicians of the 40's and 50's considered their work to be around the clock and their goal "to heal."
Today we see HMO’s who consider that there is a 15 minute clock running - the minute you step into the doctor’s office.
The patient waits one or two hours for a doctor who hasn’t even arrived. Secretaries double up appointments and penalize patients for missing their appointment. And the prescription often is the cause of further complications that lead to more drug use and symptoms exacerbated by a drug cocktail.