Healthy Eating

Mar 19, 2006

Repair, Renew and Rebuild

If you have been reading my blog site, you are noticing the difference in your health and overall energy. Your use of nature’s best nutritional foods, is providing you with antioxidants to fight the "free radicals." The aging process that causes our body to rust from the inside out can be slowed down and even reversed. Seeing is believing and using a Nutrition-Based-Regimen allows you to become more flexible and your skin to be more elastic. Pay attention to body signals and your knowledge of proper maintenance. Eating lighter meals, made up of those foods agreeable to your body and digestive system, keeps the flow and processing of foods healthier to the system. A trip to the market can set up the proper nutrition for days to come. Shopping wisely comes from knowledge of what is best for your body. Remembering the colors is one way to shop for good food. Reds, such as tomatoes, strawberries and cherries and even red meat can be a positive influence in your intake and your cooking. It’s easy to stock your refrigerator with healthy food products. Then, when you need a healthy snack, you won’t be ordering a pizza, hot dogs or running to the nearest fast food chain.
We started the day with oatmeal, and sprinkled it with wheat bran. Having prepared the basic oatmeal with large flakes oatmeal and diced apples gives us a good start in the morning. A handful of frozen blueberries and cherries with a dash or two of cinnamon, completes a flavorful combination. Nutritional boosts to our health starts the day off with a meal that slowly digests so as to keep us feeling satisfied until mid-day.
For lunch we decide on a tasty salad to stoke up the furnace in our body. The omega-3 canned Pacific Wild Red Salmon comes in handy with the lettuce we have stored in the vegetable drawer. A dash of first-pressed extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar are added for flavor and nutrition. We then added some wheat germ and oregano with some crushed garlic and finely sliced red onion. What a feast! We don’t even feel like a second course. The salad did the trick and keeps us on a path to a healthier day.
Around 5 p.m., we decide on a little fruit. Fresh strawberries, with frozen whipped topping (in a dessert dish) satisfies any desire for sweetness. We haven’t even eaten a full course dinner at this point.
Later, we are looking forward to a corn beef and cabbage soup with all the goodies in it--carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes and one large cabbage cut into wedges. The flat of corn beef was cut with an electric knife and placed in a large pot with some extra-virgin olive oil. I added warmed spring water to the mix and a can of low-fat chicken broth. Bringing the mixture to a simmer, I seal it with a glass cover and cut-down the heat to the lowest possible level. It will remain on that low-heat for about 2 hours and then I shut off the heat and let the mixture regain the fragrance that would have escaped had I lifted off the cover.
Taking care of the digestive tract is important. The day before, I placed two packages of pitted dry prunes in a pot and covered them with boiling water on a medium heat. When the water begins to chuckle, I cover the prunes and simmer for 15 minutes. Then I did the same thing with the prunes as I did with the soup. I left the mixture covered and shut off the heat. The prunes get plump and juicy and no flavor is allowed to escape. When they are cool, I place them in a 1 ½ quart casserole dish and seal them with a rubber cover. At night or in the morning, four or five stewed prunes are like a sweet dessert and provide me with the necessary ingredients to produce a healthy bowel movement in the morning.
My urine continues to run clear and I sip about 64 ounces of water over the course of a day, and drink down a glass of purified water upon rising. My weight is healthy and there are no wrinkles in my face. I manage the rheumatoid arthritis and have not had a recurrence of heart problems since I started this Nutrition-Based-Regimen.
My wife remains at her goal weight and prances around the badminton and tennis courts like a 20-year-old. She feels good and loves the chance to participate in this dedicated effort to improve our health while providing our bodies with age-fighting nutritional support. Her youthful appearance is comparable to the pictures of her on her fortieth birthday when we visited Mount Rushmore.
At bedtime, our routine of non-electric humidified air through a special device sold by Vermont Country Store is working to keep the air soft and improves our sleep. The ionizers capture the bacteria and allergens and are easy to clean with a swipe of a special cloth. A red light indicator lets us know when we need to wipe off the stainless-steel blades. Each night we fill the non-electric humidifier with distilled water to prevent mineral deposit build-up and contaminates. It is not as difficult as it seems, and pays off with an environment conducive to breathing easier and sleeping deeper.

So far the experiment is a success and others are telling us of their success stories using this research.

My friend has been diagnosed with lymphoma and has decided, at 89, to use natural methods rather than chemo-therapy or radiation. He has filled out the papers necessary for his first appointment with an "Integrative Medicine" doctor. That simply means that, in addition to a medical degree, the doctor will be using natural modalities to increase the spectrum of treatment to include foods, juices, nutrition and where necessary, medicine.
This doctor will remember to "do no harm" and seek out more natural remedies to fortify the immune system, rather than harmful chemicals and ineffective pills. My friend is looking healthy and does a lot of laughing while with us. He loves the social aspects of our approach to healthy living.
At 89, he still runs circles around people decades younger. His attitude is great and he is enjoying life, in spite of the diagnosis. He wants to be a part of the experiment and would love to be a pioneer in this quest for a better approach to living life to its fullest without having his immune system destroyed. Like all the pioneers in history, he knows that this is his life and his decision.
We use prayer, as well, and a determination combined with faith and hope to help him live life to its fullest and to the last breath. It is wonderful to see him and his exuberance for this choice he has made. He reads all the research and then proceeds to choose how to live and die. In his mind this is a win-win situation.
He was a pilot in his youth and knows what it feels like to be flying through the clouds with instinct and educated guesses. His intelligence is inspiring and we enjoy his company as he travels this road with happiness and a song. He plays the violin and loves to sing the old songs. What an honor to know such a man in a time when our country is losing the battle for longevity and spending all its money on bombs and arms instead of research, health, education, the young and old, the sick and the poor.