Healthy Eating

Aug 9, 2007

Long-Life Expert Spells It Out

Staying healthy well into your nineties isn’t all about choosing the right parents says Dr. Donald Morse, In a "Wellness Profile" done by David Tuttle in the Life Extension May, 2007 issue, Dr. Morse has experienced many fields of endeavor: Biology at the City College of New York in 1950 on the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of exercise, writing a term paper on the effects of cigarette smoking on endurance and numerous degrees and he is an avid reader of the Life Extension Magazine.
In 1956, during his second year at New York University’s College of Dentistry, his pathology professor opened up a cadaver’s coronary arteries and a foamy white material came out. When Morse asked his professor where it came from, he was told it was the result of eating lots of butter, cheese, eggs, and whole milk. From that time forward, he avoided those foods, focusing on healthier ways to get his essential nutrients from food and supplements.
Morse has an impressive list of academic achievements that could easily stand alone as a life’s work. He received a master’s degree in clinical psychology from West Chester University and a PhD from Columbia Pacific University. While teaching at Temple University, he was awarded the Faculty Research Award for his studies of stress and its management. Morse also served as editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Psychosomatics for 10 years, and for the last five years, he has held the same position with The Journal of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies. He has written over 220 scientific articles and 12 books of non-fiction, including Surviving Stress: Simple, Safe, Strategic Solutions. "I’ve been teaching stress management, health and wellness for 30 years," notes Morse. In college, he played basketball, and lifted weights. A true renaissance man, Morse believes that you need to develop your mind, body and spirit to be a complete person. He follows the Greek motto: A sound mind in a sound body," he says. "People who don’t follow this adage often have an excellent mind, but their body collapses and they wind up sick, disabled or dead. Proper nutrition supplies nutrients for the mind and body. Proper exercise delivers these nutrients to the mind and body and meditation relaxes both the mind and body, which is necessary after physical activity and stressful encounters."
Physical and mental exercise can also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia," he adds. When a person doesn’t look and feel well, he or she can become depressed and be more prone to disease. I believe one reason some people think you can’t do both is that many intellectuals have poorly developed bodies and many well-muscled athletes have poorly developed minds. You can be both well-built and intelligent, and a well conditioned body will make it easier to remain intelligent well into your nineties."
While Morse does have bronchial asthma and spinal stenosis—a narrowing of the spinal canal that can compress nerve roots—his healthy lifestyle has minimized the need for medications. He believes in a nutrition-based-regimen and a healthy lifestyle to minimize the need for medications.
He also rubs capsaicin (a natural extract from peppers) into the skin of his lower back, which he finds to be very effective in reducing and even eliminating pain. I have been using these very approaches to help me deal with the pain of crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Like many people, Morse was told that the best way to live a long life was to choose the right parents. But the latest information suggests that environmental factors are much more important in determining longevity. Exercise, proper nutrition, relaxation therapy, hydrotherapy, massage therapy, adequate sleep, a sense of humor, being spiritual, having friends, developing hobbies, seeking the help of friends or professionals when needed, and taking vacations, can all help a person to live a long and healthy life. Follow this advice and you can expect to be around for many years.
The role models in my Senior Tennis League prove by their example that living longer has to do with your attitude towards others, the friends you have and keep and fresh air and sunshine. It is not by accident that they continue to play, like kids, in their late 80's an early 90's.
Morse did a lot of things, but still found time to play doubles tennis. This provided him with an outlet for his athletic spirit, which has been a lifelong constant.
Among the supplement regimen of Donald Morse are the following. Mega- Green Tea, Coenzyme Q10, Super Zeaxanthin with Lutein, Gravesend with Resveratrol, Lycopene, Vitamin C, Aspirin, Selenium, Garlic Extract, Complete B Complex, Lecithin, Super Curcumin and more.
Like me, Morse looks at the vitamins, herbs and minerals, what they do for you and where to get them. I try to get most of mine by eating whole foods. Although, I believe in increased dosage of magnesium gluconate, CoQ10, and Centrum Silver as supplements with heart and nervous system support. I get the Lutein from blueberries and other foods and the lycopene from the many tomato sauce dishes I prepare. I drink diet Arizona Green tea with Ginseng and a small amount of honey with fresh lemon. I prepare foods with healthy Salsa, containing tomato puree, onions, green bell peppers, diced tomatoes, vinegar and low sodium. Instead of crackers or salty fried potato chips, I use celery stalks with the stringy veins removed. Pineapple contains both bromelain and papain which are excellent for arthritis. Apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil are used in my salads with fresh crushed garlic. Hot pepper sauce with cayenne pepper and chili is added to my chicken cacciatore. What a wonderful sauce for dipping! I remove all the chicken skin and fat - of course.
Dr. Donald Morsel placed first in the Natural USA Bodybuilding Championship at the ripe old age of 74 and he is my role model of the week. "Studies show that even people in their eighties and nineties can benefit greatly from an exercise program. That is why the Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins are working with the United States Tennis Association to do research on the health-benefits of tennis increasing longevity.
Research is costly but worth the effort to help Americans find a better way to maintain healthy bodies and avoid serious illness. Life Extension is a source I recommend highly as the ultimate source for new health and medical findings from around the world. You might want to try
We need to do the things necessary to improve our health, mind and body through studying the best sources available for guidance and direction. We can no longer rely on our government, doctors, the FDA, or Food and Drug Manufacturers to guard us against poisoned food, ineffective and dangerous drugs and barbaric surgery leading to permanent damage and even death. More than 100,000 people die in hospitals in the U.S. every year due to negligence. Americans need to realize that the best way to get it right is for us to do it ourselves. Taste tests will tempt you to eat the wrong foods while completely ignoring the consequences of the contents in the food we eat. Read the labels and know the dangers you confront when you ignore trans fat, HFCS, hydrogenated vegetable oil, sodium and sugar content and poisonous chemical preservatives.

Aug 8, 2007

Trans Fats = Bad Fats

Now that trans fats are listed on food labels, it’s easier to spot them. Not that long ago, trans fats were considered a savior for commercially processed foods and flaky pastry, and a healthy alternative to butter and other saturated fats. Although trans fats had many useful qualities for the commercial food industry, like fast fried foods and increased product shelf life, decreased refrigeration requirements, and taste stability, the problem is that trans fats are linked to raising blood cholesterol levels and promoting heart disease. Scientific evidence shows that, just like saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, trans fats raise your LDL (or "bad") cholesterol levels. When too much "bad" cholesterol circulates in your blood, it can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries that feed your heart and brain. This can cause your arteries to harden, which can increase your risk of heart disease.
Low amounts of trans fats are found naturally in some animal-based foods. However, the majority of and more ubiquitous trans fats are formed when vegetable oils are processed and turned into a semi-solid product or into a more stable liquid. This chemical process, adding hydrogen atoms to liquid oil, is called hydrogenation. Trans fats are found in vegetable shortenings, some margarines, processed foods, snack foods, commercially baked goods such as crackers, cookies and many fast-foods. They are commonly referred to as "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil."
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has recommended that the intake of trans fats, as well as saturated fats and dietary cholesterol, should be "as low as possible, while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet." Because trans fats, saturated fats, and dietary cholesterol are difficult to avoid in non-vegan diets, most health experts realize that completely eliminating trans fats from an ordinary diet is impossible.
First, it is important to know that Nutrition Facts labels on packaged food products in the United States and Canada are now required to list how many grams of trans fats are contained within one serving of the product. Prior to this regulation, only people who knew the meaning of "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" (mainly dieticians) knew how to tell whether or not trans fats lurked in particular foods. Most people had no idea how many trans fats they were consuming. It’s very difficult to avoid something that is, for most people, invisible.
Now that trans fats are listed on food labels, it’s easier to spot them and make heart-healthy choices. And, because of this exposure, some companies are scrambling to remove them from their products to compete for the attention of trans fat-free shoppers. Many others have already succeeded in going trans fat-free.
It is important to note, though,
that according to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a product claiming to have "zero" trans fats per serving can actually contain up to a half gram. Canada set a different standard of zero as under 0.2l grams. In other words, "zero" doesn’t necessarily mean "completely free of"; it could actually mean "not that much . . . but some. "So you may still want to scan the ingredient list for partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" and vegetable shortening" and look for an alternative product without those words. Also, trans fats can be found in places that do not require labeling, like restaurants and cafeterias.
There is even a recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) that governments around the world phase out partially hydrogenated oils if trans fat labeling alone doesn’t spur significant reductions.
To help reduce consumption of trans fats: 1) Choose liquid vegetable oils, or choose a soft tub margarine that contains little or no trans fats. 2) Reduce your intake of commercially prepared baked goods, snack foods, and processed foods including fast-foods. 3) When food containing partially hydrogenated oils or trans fats can’t be avoided, choose products that list the partially hydrogenated oils near the end of the ingredient list (ingredients are listed according to the amount contained in the product, from the largest amount to the smallest). 4) Choose lean meats, such as poultry (without the skin and not fried) and lean beef and pork (not fried). 5) To avoid trans fats in restaurants, one strategy is to stay away from deep-fried foods. You can always ask which fats are being used in the preparation of your food when eating or ordering out. 6) Remember that even though a food item has been prepared without any trans fats, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy. Many trans fat-free foods still contain a lot of sugar and saturated fats.
The battle against trans fats was a long time in coming because it meant many changes needed to be made in the preparation of food content. You need to appreciate that all of this is for nought if you do not read the labels. The number of by-pass surgeries and stroke victims is still on the rise. Hospitals are advertising for all that business while the restaurants are selling "Buffalo Wings," french fries, fish fries, doughnuts, cookies and baked goods. You are the victim of taste tests - not common sense and healthy choices. Change is in the wind, but in the time it takes to turn the problem around, people are dropping like flies and they are only in their 40's and 50's. That could be related to the fact that trans fats were popular recreational foods while they were growing up.
The consequence of poor food choices means many of them will not see their grandchildren, nor will they live long enough to enjoy their old-age and senior discounts.

Aug 6, 2007

Heartburn Epidemic and 40 Million Americans

Doctors now report that an estimated 40 million Americans suffer from heartburn, putting them at risk for a range of health worries including esophageal cancer which is skyrocketing. The most serious warning signs associated with heartburn that lead to cancer are painful swallowing, weight loss and bloody stools.
How does this group of 40 million people cope with heartburn? Doctors routinely encourage patients to use heartburn drugs INDEFINITELY and yet all of these drugs (which suppress acid production) cause permanent changes in the gastric environmentl and may increase cancer risk. These drugs do not treat the cause, only the symptom.
Hydrochloric acid is a vital part of good digestion. If you’re over 50, (a time when metabolism slows down and less hydrochloric acid is produced), then your digestion will suffer. With too little acid in the stomach, the passage of food out of the stomach into the small intestine is delayed which can lead to heartburn as the stomach sends food back into the esophagus. (The burning associated with heartburn is caused by stomach acid coming in contact with the esophagus which is not protected with a mucous lining like the stomach is.)
Some believe that heartburn is caused by too much acid. It is actually the reverse that is true. To avoid heartburn, youl can certainly try using a little extra acetic acid after meals or you can eat something bitter like parsley (the French call it "the broom of the stomach") at the start of each meal to stimulate gastric juices. At the same time, try to avoid drinking cold liquids with meals which can suppress acid levels. You should cut back or eliminate chocolate, soft drinks and processed meats and other fatty foods which all slow the rate which the stomach empties into the small intestine.
Excessive acid is almost never the causel of ulcers. Doctors now know that a toxic bacteria called Helicobacter pylori for short) is the primary cause. H. pylori suppresses acid production and creates holes in the stomach’s protective mucous layer, allowing acid to seep into the outer stomach wall. Fortunately, there is a good bacteria that can help defeat H. Pylori and that is Lactobacillus salivarius.
Your mother was righ about chewing food. America’s latest and most popular eating trend is eating in the car. That’s not a stationary car, but a moving one. We are so busy, so stressed and pressed for time, we don’t have time to eat — so we now eat on the run from fast food restaurants. And even if you get a veggie sandwich on whole grain bread, we argue that you can’t digest it properly while driving your car.
Digestion begins in the mouth. As soon as you bite into food, enzymes in your saliva start to break it down for passage through the esophagus toward the stomach. The longer you chew, the less work your small intestine has to do. When your food is well-chewed (as opposed to poorly chewed), it becomes predigested for you. L Chewing well helps to ensure optimal breakdown and absorption of all that you eat. (If you take away no other insights from this article, try spending 5 - 10 minutes morel chewing your food – and not while you’re driving. Your digestion will improve if you pull over and you’ll feel better almost instantly.
If you’re keen on living a long, healthy life, your digestive system needs to be able to break down and absorb your food efficiently and effectively. Once you do this, your elimination will also improve and you’ll enjoy the benefits of 2 - 3 bowel movements every day or one for every meal.

Gut Problems Effect Longevity

We have emphasized the bad effects of poor digestion for many years now. Now the Journal of Healthy & Longevity has divulged that a Russian Nobel Prize winning scientist discovered how friendly bacteria found in "soured" foods can help you gain maximum life extension — without illness or disease. The secret was first revealed by Elie Metchnikoff who discovered that the Bulgarians in the Caspian Mountains lived very long lives — without illness and disease. In studying eating habits, he found they drank a fermented milk product known as kefir.
His observation prompted him to write Metchnikoff’s longevity without aging theory. His theory is that by eating a lot of good bacteria, or probiotics found in traditional "soured " foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, buttermilk and kefir, the harmful effects of bad "gut" bacteria can be neutralized and the transit time of food in the large intestine is dramatically decreased.
In other words, the Bulgarians enjoyed superior digestion. Food absorption and elimination by eating fermented foods with every meal. The Bulgarians did not allow old decaying foods to ferment in their intestines and become a breeding ground for parasites, germs, viruses and disease! In other words, sour foods give you sweet healthy.
The problem is today’s processed and sugar-enhanced kefir is not nearly as effective as the old-fashioned goat’s milk kefir used by the Bulgarians. My grandparents fed us goat’s milk on a regular basis. In the yogurt and kefir commonly found in supermarkets, the numbers of live "bacteria" are very low in comparison with the huge numbers of bad bacteria alive and well in the American gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
The result of our poor-eating habits is this: there are literally thousands of over-the-counter and prescription drugs to help ease the pain and discomfort associated with indigestion, constipation, diarrhea and inflammation of the bowel. In fact, stomach problems are the #1 complaint heard by American doctors.
Colon cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed disease in the U.S. with over 160,000 new cases per year. Irritable bowel syndrome (or IBS) affects up to 17% of the population. We are digging our graves with our spoons and forks. It doesn’t have to be that way. Longevity researchers have documented that using the "good" bacteria found in "soured" foods can help rebalance and rebuild the GI tract which could be the key to maximum life extension.
Many traditional and Integrative Doctors have claimed that "DEATH STARTS IN THE COLON." The opposite is also true: "Long life starts when you rebalance and rebuild the colon.
OVERCOME a wide range of health problems once you improve digestion and speed up the transit time of the colon.
RESTORE vigor and vitality to your body, far into the future, regardless of your age or current physical condition — once you solve the mystery of proper food absorption.
The last food I have is a 6 ounce container of low fat-low sugar yogurt and the first thing I consume in the morning - immediately upon rising - is a full glass of spring water. No coffee - 1 cup of coffee takes out 3 cups of water from the digestive tract. Within the hour I have an elimination.