Healthy Eating

Mar 30, 2006

Pills To The Right & To The Left

If the FDA is so concerned about people using the word "cure," why don’t they find one. Using "free speech", we have books like "The Arthritis Cure" and "How I Cured My Arthritis." Well, there is no cure for arthritis. If there were, we would find it on the front page of every newspaper in the world - don’t you think?
It is time for the FDA to seriously re-examine the false claims of both prescription drugs and supplements. Are they making false claims, and victimizing people who are suffering? Pills have not cured anything in 150 years of pharmaceutical and vitamin supplements. If they have, please send me information on it so that I might learn more about them. One thing for sure, I haven’t seen a prescription drug without serious side effects. And I do believe that any sane individual listening to the benefits (always first) and then the risks (fast and hardly understandable) would weigh the risk vs. benefits. Now, if you have pain and can’t cure the disease causing it, you might want to consider running some pill through your whole digestive system just to have over 90% of it coming out the other end. At least that is what a doctor told me over forty years ago. He explained that he was giving me a shot instead of a pill because it was more effective and went straight into the blood stream.
Today, we have "patches" for everything from heart problems to birth control, for quitting cigarettes and of course, for pain. From every corner of medicine, we see a leaning towards using the porous skin and membranes in the mouth or sinuses rather than using invasive techniques like shots or multiple side effects from pills. My doctor had the same fungal problem in the big toe that I had and he tried the pill for it. His response was, "Stan, I tried that pill and it really causes problems that really aren’t worth the results."
Therefore, consider the real purpose of the pill - to relieve pain, and in the process cause a whole mess of trouble as it traverses through your body. Knowledge is an important weapon, if only we use it. Browse through a vitamin catalog and you’ll see certain ingredients used repeatedly: Boswellin extract, salicylate, lecithin, glucosamine HCI (from shellfish), capsaicin (hot peppers) and names you can’t even begin to recognize. Many of them remind me of my experiences as a young man - listening to the mass, or trying to read a prescription - in Latin. As I grew older, I understood that this was a tool used to impress people with very-important-sounding words. Latin was used, as a device, to impress - not to inform. Eventually, the church, under Pope John the XXIII, decided to allow people to understand the mass in their own language. Medical doctors claimed that they used Latin because it was a Universal language. In fact, it was so universal that the vast majority of people neither understood it nor bothered trying.
So why bother? You might want to put this information together. The pain in your knee is better treated topically, rather than bothering to upset your whole body for some target that may be lost, entirely, in your digestive tract. Then, look at the words and decide if they relate to anything you are familiar with. As you browse through a catalog of vitamins, you may see pills that provide "oregano," or "garlic." Some are less familiar, like bromelain (a natural compound extracted from pineapples), which has been shown to short-circuit multiple pathways in the body. Its unique mechanism of action helps reduce two types of inflammatory chemicals, PGE2 and bradykinin— meaning much less inflammation and pain. If that’s not enough, bromelain works before and after the inflammatory process. It gobbles up debris in your body that was produced by inflammation and flushes away proteins in inflamed tissues, thus minimizing swelling. Bromelain, in another word - should bring up the fruit known as PINEAPPLES! I buy fresh pineapples, and use a special spiral tool to remove wonderfully delicious circles of mouth-watering pineapple. Beats the hell out of the pills!
Cinnamon twig extract — This Chinese herb (you recognize it) has been traditionally used in Eastern medicine to improve blood circulation and has been experimentally shown to block the COX-2 enzyme. You don't need to have high blood sugar . . . Cinnamon can keep it under control.
You don't need to have clogged ARTERIES . . . ORANGES can keep them chrystal clear.
You don't have to take pain pills for the inflammation of arthritis, when CHERRIES can relieve you of arthritic pain.
Well, I won’t go on, since I think you get the point. Never mind the pill, if you know that the benefits, claimed, can come from some food as delicious as pineapple, apples, broccoli, garlic, oregano, tomato sauce, blueberries, cherries and strawberries. Remembering the wonderful colors of green peppers, oranges, yellow onions, purple plums and even dark chocolate, you might begin to think that this isn’t "rocket science."
The end result is that the food you eat can protect you and give you the genuine pain relief you need, without a doctor’s visit or a trip to the pharmacy or even a handful of vitamin supplements. In any case, if you stop feeding the monster manufacturers, they may just realize that the products they make aren’t making them any richer.
Turn off the craving for sweets and you melt off the pounds and stop attacking your immune system. Sugar exacerbates arthritic pain. If you really want to feel pain - try drinking a few cocktails - after playing tennis.
If you want to keep your memory sharp - stop drinking soda pop
and loading up with sugars and fats that plaque-up your arteries. Try drinking purified water with NATURAL LEMONS. Tests show that people who added natural lemon to their water, were less likely to have a lapse of short-term memory. Ask your doctor for the research on that? If you want page and paragraph, book and title, ask your doctor? When’s the last time he told you not to read the FYI, because you might think you are suffering from the side effects described?
Super health takes a super person with the intelligence to avoid oncoming trains and speeding trucks. Look a gift horse in the mouth and you may just see teeth and a hungry mouth.
Your only concern is the bottom line. Those who have tried my "Nutrition-Based-Regimen" are calling me every day with good news, and reporting the wonderful results confirmed in their last "blood-test." Their doctors admit that they don’t have the time to do the research and so they are happy to avail themselves of the information I offer – FREE!
Whenever possible, use a topical ointment to dull the nerves that transmit pain. See if they contain ingredients like glucosamine, methyl salicylate, capsaicin, bosswellin, and lecithin. Sometimes the same ointment, by another name, costs a couple dollars less and accomplishes the same result. These are not cures, but they do relieve pain. My 92-year-old mother-in-law thinks it works better than anything she ever took orally, and so do other older people with arthritis and joint pain.
Capsaicin Patches are now available for arthritics and have been advertised this day. We are ahead of the curve.
"I see, said the blind man when he hit the post." My father liked that cliche' and used it many times to make a point. I adopted some of his stuff. In fact, I probably inherited a lot of "HIS STUFF"!