Healthy Eating

Dec 29, 2007

Turkey Stuffing - Onion and Celery

Turkey Stuffing-An Amazing Heart Healing Food
The latest information from Alan Inglis, MD, a graduate from Amherst College, Cambridge University (the one in England) and the University of Vermont Medical School, is from "Health Revelations" (Fall 2007).
Dr. Inglis is a man who speaks my kind of language. He says, "Got an onion and some celery stalks? You’re all set! This little duo can outperform any cholesterol drug on earth . . ."
He states a simple fact: "Statin drugs can’t improve your "good" HDL cholesterol." And so Dr. Inglis like so many other doctors is realizing that pills are not doing the job. Here’s a sample of some of what he believes:
CELERY SECRET: drops blood pressure 40 points. Did you know celery wasn’t used as a food until the 16th century? It was too precious. People saved it to use as a medicine" Not long ago, a researcher at the University of Chicago confirmed this ancient wisdom in spectacular fashion. He was studying high blood pressure—and found that his own dad was using what he would consider a "silly food cure" from the old country that corrected his hypertension like a charm.
His dad’s blood pressure dropped a full 40 points. Yet all the "cure" consisted of is eating some celery every day! Skeptical? So was the scientist! But old dad turned out to be right on the money, when researchers uncovered a miraculous compound in celery called 3nB.
How It Works: 3nB blocks dangerous stress hormones and relaxes blood vessel walls. This allows blood to flow with a lot less pressure. Better still, 3nB could relax you when you’re feeling pressured and stressed- out. And it won’t make you dizzy or tired like blood-pressure drugs, After all, it’s just celery.
Raising the good HDL is thought to be more important than lowering the "bad" stuff (LDL)l. Your life could depend on making sure your "good" HDL cholesterol is sky-high!
Here’s why: You see, when your arteries get gunked up — and they almost inevitably do — "good" HDL, is your mop-up squad or drano of the arteries. Each little globule of "good" stuff goes to work like a tiny janitor. It sweeps away the "bad" LDL attached to your artery walls. "Good" HDL, scours your artery walls, SCRUBBING AWAY DEADLY PLAQUE. Lowering your "bad" LDL is okay for damage control, but only raising your "good" HDL can clean out the mess you’ve already got!
Drug firms are well aware of this. They’re testing an artificial HDL that they dearly hope will work, and naturally they’ll charge a fortune for it. But why on earth would anyone pay to boos their lifesaving HDL?
The world’s best HDL boosting "drug" may be sitting in your kitchen!
The "Onion Cure" boosts good HDL by a whopping 30 percent! Your great-grandmother could have told you that onions are wonderful medicine. My son’s grandfather used onions to bring down a dangerously high fever one day. After the doctor had left and there seemed nothing more, we could do, grandpa walked slowly up the stairs and asked if I had an onion. I gave him the onion and he said, "The doctors tried everything, do you mind if I try something?" I naturally said that I would do whatever it took to help my son get better. He instructed me to slice the onion thin and then he asked for a pair of my son’s socks.
He placed the onions in his socks and asked me to put them on my son’s feet. Within a half-hour my son had a normal temperature and the onions in his socks were cooked by the heat they drew from my son. This is a true story and occurred in 1963 while I resided in an upstairs apartment above my father-in-laws antique store and grandpa lived just below us with his 96-year-old father.
And so I know first-hand about the medicinal qualities of onion. But even gramps would be astounded by the findings of Professor Victor Gurewich, M.D., of Tuft’s University. He discovered that a mere dose of onion every day can rocket your levels of "good" HDL—as much as 30%. It brings back a picture of my Uncle Cy, sitting on the porch, munching on a green onion with a piece of fresh home-made bread. So why not give it a try. Imagine your doctor’s face when he congratulates you on your blood test—and you hand him an onion!

Dec 24, 2007

Sweetener Brazzein is Natural and New

Aspartame, Asbestos, Nicotine, are amongst many cancer causing ingredients that just don't get banned. A new book out divulges: "The Secret Of the War On Cancer" by Delvray Davis. She claims that the U.S. and Canada are the last countries left cooperating with the Corporate Global Governance that allows continuance of these and many more cancer-causing products.
From the January 2008 issue from Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter comes this new information on an alternative to the artificial sweeteners:
Cweet for the Sweet-Toothed
- If you’re asking for an alternative to artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose, fructose and others, keep watching supermarket shelves. The food manufacturers are finally hearing the message we are sending regarding healthy food choices. Within 12 - 18 months, you could be satisfying your sweet tooth-calorie-free-with an African plant derivative called brazzein, marketed under the brand name Cweet. Although brazzein’s sweetening potential has long been known, until recently it wasn’t practical for mass production. Breakthroughs at the University of Wisconsin have solved that puzzle with a process now licensed to California-based Natur Research Ingredients. Ounce for ounce, brazzein is said to be 1,000 times sweeter than ordinary sugar, making it effectively zero calories with no undesirable aftertaste. Heat-stable as well as water soluble, brazzein is touted as suitable for everything from cookies to sodas. Once green-lighted by the FDA, brazzein is expected to be priced similarly to sucralose.
One step at a time, the food industry will either meet your needs with a choice of healthy alternatives or the product will not move off the shelves. I just mentioned to the owners of "The Hideaway Restaurant" that we prefer sweet potatoes to white potatoes and the next time we visited the sweet potato was available and delicious. All home-made food with substitutions that move away from the white foods like rice, potatoes, french fries and mashed potatoes. It’s a start and you can make it happen. It’s simple because it’s your money and they need you as a customer. So don’t accept the menu as it is - make it better. Your waiter wants the tip and the chef wants the job, and the owner wants to keep you as a repeat customer. The power of choice is really in your hands and especially in you wallet. You just have to stop taking things for granted, read the labels and insist on getting your way when it comes to healthy choices.
Bison meat showed up at the "Western Door" at Seneca Niagara Casino and why not? When I spoke with my Tuscaroran Indian-friend, I asked him why the native Americans don’t capitalize on the good eating of their culture. It appears they may be doing just that. The healthier choice of red meat is Bison or Buffalo meat. It is easier to cook, requires a much lower temperature than beef and retains its nutrition without the problems associated with our beef-supply. Beef is now treated with carbon monoxide to keep it looking fresh and bright red. My grandparents knew that the best meat, whether it was lamb, deer, sheep, or beef was "aged." Angus beef is at its best when it is aged - like a good wine. We just think that everything is better when it is fresh. Tomatoes are better in spaghetti sauce for lycopene - than a fresh tomato and red-pacific sockeye salmon is better in a can with edible bones for calcium that the fresh and expensive seasonal wild-caught salmon. Knowledge is power and it is up to you whether you live or die by the food you eat.